Hindustan Times (Noida)

Gzb: Parking rates doubled, parking time slashed by half

- Peeyush Khandelwal peeyush.khandelwal@htlive.com


The executive committee of the Ghaziabad municipal corporatio­n on Thursday approved a proposal to double the parking rates of vehicles in parking lots controlled by the civic body across the city, senior officials in the know of the matter said, adding that the rate hike will be applicable only for new contracts and not existing ones.

According to officials, the corporatio­n has 24 parking lots across the city, where a fee of ₹5 for bicycles, ₹10 for two-wheelers and ₹20 for four-wheelers is collected for a period of 12 hours.

The proposal okayed by the executive committee on Thursday has doubled the rate for each category of vehicles, besides halving the parking time to six hours.

“The new rates are for the new parking contracts whenever they come up after tenders,” said Vikramadit­ya Malik, municipal commission­er.

The proposal stated that the hike in parking charges was effected in view of legal directions and orders by the Commission for Air Quality Management, the agency overseeing pollution abatement measures in Delhi and the National Capital

Region of which Ghaziabad is a part, for “dis-incentivis­ing use of private vehicles through rationalis­ing of the public parking rates/charges, including levying congestion/peak hour charges”, said officials

Ghaziabad city mayor Sunita Dayal said the new rates will increase the revenue of the civic agency, besides discouragi­ng use of private vehicles.

“We have also come to know that there are many lots being run without any authorisat­ion from the corporatio­n. We will shut these down soon. Discussion was also held on the proposed hike in property tax. But we councillor­s said we will not allow the proposed structure as it will heavily burden households. I have also written to the state government about the issue and requested them not to hike the tax,” Dayal said.

Earlier in January, the corporatio­n decided to implement a new rental value structure for determinin­g the property tax on households from financial year 2024-2025 and this was to come into effect from April 1.

The officials said the state government approved the new structure on October 27, 2023, hence it was ready to be implemente­d.

According to the existing tax structure, the rental values of properties range from 0.87 paise per square foot to ₹1.32 per square foot for different colonies. According to the existing tax structure, the rental values of properties range from 0.87 paise per square foot to ₹1.32 per square foot for different colonies.

Under the new structure, the residentia­l colonies have been grouped under three categories – A, B and C.

Under the new structure, colonies in category A will have rental value in the range of ₹1.75 to ₹4 per square foot; category B colonies will have values 0.50p to ₹3.5 per square foot while category C colonies will have rental values in the range of 0.30p to ₹3 per square foot.

When contacted, municipal commission­er Malik preferred not to comment on the issue.

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