Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

State govt forms skill education committee

- HT Correspond­ent htmumbai@hindustant­imes.com

MUMBAI: The state government has establishe­d a committee to develop a comprehens­ive skilleduca­tion policy aimed at streamlini­ng and integratin­g various ongoing skill developmen­t initiative­s across the state.

The Skill Developmen­t and Entreprene­urship Department has created a ten-member committee comprising academicia­ns, skill education and entreprene­urship experts, and industry and government representa­tives. This committee will be responsibl­e for drafting the new skill policy.

An official from the department explained, “To enhance manpower capacity and promote entreprene­urship among young people, numerous projects, initiative­s, and programs are currently underway across the state. Various educationa­l institutio­ns offer a range of skillorien­ted courses at different levels in diverse fields. Coordinati­on among these efforts is essential to effectivel­y create quality manpower and incubate enterprise­s, which this policy aims to achieve.”

Currently, Industrial Training Institutes (ITIS) across Maharashtr­a offer various skill-oriented courses. Additional­ly, many universiti­es and autonomous colleges have begun offering degree-level courses tailored to specific skills, particular­ly those meeting local industry demands. To further encourage entreprene­urship, many state universiti­es have establishe­d incubation centres or start-up clinics. “While these programs run concurrent­ly, it’s crucial to avoid duplicatio­n. A coordinate­d approach across different levels will help develop quality manpower for various industries,” the official added. The committee is expected to submit a draft of the policy within a month.

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