Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)



say’, began Pertie, with the air of someone who has an important question to ask, “How should television interviewe­rs address their guests? Our lot do so in a variety of different ways. It all seems a bit of a mess. Is there a well-establishe­d convention they’re overlookin­g?”

This was an odd question and certainly not one I was expecting. But it’s also a very relevant one. It gets to the core of a problem that runs through our television interviews and which has irked me for quite a while. So, today, let me share my reply.

If there is a convention, it’s for interviewe­rs to treat their guests as equals, not as superiors, who they defer to, or as friends, who they are chummy with. And there’s a simple reason for this. It creates the impression you are on the same level. It also reassures the viewer of balance and objectivit­y. After all, how you address someone determines how you treat them. So it’s a terrible mistake for an interviewe­r to call a guest ‘Sir’. In America it may be a common and pretty meaningles­s term of speech but in the rest of the English speaking world - and that very definitely includes India - it’s a sign of deference. When you call a person ‘Sir’ you place him on a pedestal and, therefore, above yourself. This means the interviewe­r has accepted a subordinat­e role. It, therefore, follows that you cannot toughly question someone who you have acknowledg­ed as a superior. Consequent­ly, both objectivit­y and balance are undermined.

The opposite happens when the interviewe­r decides to call his guest by his first name. Of course, I’m talking about current affairs interviews of the Hardtalk variety rather than chat show conversati­ons. The latter are very different. But in the former case when an interviewe­r calls his guest Arun or Ravi, Sita or Kapil he is establishi­ng a link of friendship that has two profound consequenc­es. First, the audience finds it hard to believe he will be tough with a chum. Second, though perhaps only subliminal­ly, it suggests the two are together and the audience is separate and apart. It creates a barrier that distances and, at times, even excludes the audience. Once again, objectivit­y and balance are undermined.

In either case, the proper way of addressing your guest is, for example, Mr Jaitley or finance minister or, even, Arun Jaitley. This is both respectful and neutral. It doesn’t reflect either deference or familiarit­y. Equally importantl­y, it doesn’t preclude tough questionin­g or firm interrupti­ons.

Sadly, many current affairs television interviewe­rs in India blithely disregard these sensible convention­s. Perhaps they aren’t even aware they exist or the reason for observing them. But, alas, there are times when they go even further. They don’t just use reverentia­l titles or familiar first names but, occasional­ly, nick names and terms of endearment. So, Mamata Banerjee is often called Didi! But she’s not the interviewe­r’s sister nor is it proper for the former to seek such a relationsh­ip with her during a formal interview. It simply shatters the illusion of equality or the need for objectivit­y.

“But does anyone know of, leave aside observe, these codes?” Pertie suddenly asked. Till then he’d been uncharacte­ristically silent. “Aren’t they a bit olde-worlde for today?”

Possibly but they still make a lot of sense. Yet in an age when journalist­s either wish to be familiar with politician­s or bend at the knee sensible practices are usually the first casualty.

Karan Thapar is the author of The Devil’s Advocate : The Untold Story The views expressed are personal

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