Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

In talks with Vanguard, Allianz to sell MF biz stake

Tata Asset Management looks for a foreign strategic partner to buy 2649% stake

- Anirudh Laskar

Tata Asset Management Ltd is in talks to sell 26-49% in its mutual fund business to a foreign strategic partner, said two people familiar with the plan.

The Tata Group company has held discussion­s with some of the world’s largest fund managers, including Us-based Vanguard Group and Germany’s Allianz SE, the people said, requesting anonymity.

“The plan is to globalise the asset management business by getting a strategic partner, which will hold at least 26% stake in Tata AMC. The talks with potential foreign partners for the mutual fund venture happened recently and things are yet to be formalised,” said one of the two people.

Tata Sons Ltd owns 67.91% in Tata Asset Management, while the remaining stake is held by Tata Investment Corp Ltd.

“Tata has global ambitions too and if a strong global player is willing to come here and sell its products through us, I think the synergy will be very strong,” said Hormuz A Balsara, chief operating officer of Tata Asset Management.

Balsara said Tata will always retain a majority stake in the asset management company.

“We have been interactin­g with Vanguard and Allianz in the past and we are not averse to further interactio­ns also. We have been also interactin­g with Japanese and Belgian asset mana agement firms and if it makes sense, we will definitely look at a tie-up with a global name,” said Balsara.

Spokespers­ons for Vanguard and Allianz declined to comment.

A strong foreign strategic partner will help Tata AMC distribute its products in offshore markets, bring and sell mutual fund products in India and strengthen its investment advisory and fund management expertise, according to the second of the two people cited earlier.

Tata MF has lagged behind industry growth for the past few years.

While the industry’s actual assets have grown by 129% from ₹7.59 lakh crore to ₹17.37 lakh crore since December 2012, Tata MF’S actual assets have grown by 102%.

strong global partner may help Tata Asset Management improve its position in the ₹17lakh crore domestic mutual fund industry, where the company managed assets worth ₹38,270 crore in the December quarter, according to data from the Associatio­n of Mutual Funds in India.

With strong inflows into mutual funds, the country’s mutual fund industry is witnessing its best phase since the Lehman Brothers Inc crisis. Global asset management giants such as Vanguard and Allianz have been scouting for a strong partner to enter India.

If Tata Asset Management gets a strategic partner, it will take care of the requiremen­ts for growing the business, said Dhirendra Kumar, chief executive officer of New Delhi-based MF analytics firm Value Research India Pvt Ltd.

Tata Asset Management’s profits have also dwindled. According to Value Research, Tata MF’S net profit has fallen from ₹31.36 crore for the year ended March 31 2012 to ₹5.25 crore in the year ended March 31 2016 — the latest period for which latest data is available.

“I agree that Tata MF has undersold itself for some time, but we have better plans and we are capable of much more. Our philosophy has been to tie up with people who bring very specific strategic advantages to the table and Tata has its own strong ways of doing business, which we would not like to dilute,” said Balsara.

 ?? HT/FILE ?? Tata Sons chairman N Chandrasek­aran
HT/FILE Tata Sons chairman N Chandrasek­aran

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