Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)


- Ritesh Mishra

The Chhattisga­rh director general of police (DGP) served show cause notices to former Bastar inspector genera of police (IGP) SRP Kalluri on Saturday for attending a private function in Jagdalpur without intimating his superiors and subsequent­ly circulatin­g a Whatsapp post in this regard.

DGP AN Upadhyay served three notices to Kalluri, and sought responses in three days

Though Kalluri was removed from Bastar a month ago and attached to the police headquarte­rs, he attended a pri vate function in Jagdalpur that also featured superinten­dents of police Indira Kalyan Elesela and RN Dash on Thursday evening.

A controvers­y erupted when local newspapers on Friday quoted Elesela as saying that “manvadhika­ar karkartaon ko sadak par kuchal dena cha hiye… (human rights activists should be crushed on the roads).”

He also reportedly said that rights activists were “Maoist sympathise­rs” who should be treated like extremists.

Soon afterwards, the opposi tion raised the matter in the leg islative assembly, spurring chief minister Raman Singh to remove both Elesela and Dash from Bastar.

However, the controvers­y refused to die down. On Friday night, Kalluri posted a photo graph on Whatsapp that showed him posing with the two police officers. Its caption read: “Three idiots clean bowled!”

Kalluri, a controvers­ial fig ure hailed by many for his tough stand against Bastar’s armed insurgency.

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