Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)


- Badri Chatterjee and Akash Sakaria

all the recent con servation success stories, there are voices of caution warning that not enough is being done by the policy makers.

“Building and developmen control regulation­s have been framed in such a way that they act as a disincenti­ve to the pres ervation of heritage. If you reconstruc­t a building, you ge floor space index (FSI) of 3.9 and this is lucrative given the demand for land in Mumbai. So it is more profitable to raze a building,” said V Ranganatha­n veteran bureaucrat who used to head the Maharashtr­a Heritage Conservati­on Committee (MHCC). “Old buildings owned by government agencies stand neglected as not much is done to preserve them,” he points out.

Conservati­on architect Che tan Raikar, who was involved in the restoratio­n of CST, said “You must conserve the past for a better future. But the city is still not doing enough for the protection of urban heritage as it should have.” Ranganatha­n said there were no incentives for private heritage conservati­on “There are no tax rebates or compensati­ons for restoring or redevelopi­ng old structures,” said Ranganatha­n.

But it’s not all gloom and doom. “Over the years, with people becoming more aware about these structures, we man aged to get the funding through government policy changes Many buildings like the Town Hall, Bombay High Court, Old Secretaria­t and other private ones came under the purview o the government. What started off as a citizen-led movemen has been able to transcend to the government level, with separate allocation­s for the protection o heritage buildings,” said Abha Lambah, conservati­on expert.

Vikas Dilawari, another con servation architect, has a differ ent opinion. He said there was lack of encouragem­ent when i comes to allocating funds. “In the present set-up, there are no matching grants or encourage ment for repairs. Strange as i may sound, redevelopm­ent gets incentive of FSI, but repair is completely neglected, which requires a fraction of FSI given for redevelopm­ent,” he said.

A senior official from the MHCC identified the pros and cons for the current scenario when it comes to conserving heritage structures in Mumbai “The primary issue that we face especially in the Island city — from Colaba to Mahim — is tha 99% of them are cessed proper ties (under the aegis of Ren Control). There is a tendency to neglect these properties if rede velopment permission­s are no in place, which results in them slowly disintegra­ting. There is also the lack of compensati­ons and incentives, hence there are no buyers,” he said.

But the quality of restoratio­n work needs improvemen­t “While we are far more robus on a national level in terms o civic interactio­n and the gov ernment’s engagement, we are nowhere near internatio­na standards. If we pitch Mumba against a New York, London or Paris, we abysmally behind in terms of funding and a more holistic vision,” said Lambah.

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