Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

10 minors accused of sexually abusing 12yearold boy interrogat­ed

- HT Correspond­ent

The 10 minors, who were sent to children’s home on Tues day for allegedly sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy in a slum pocket in Andheri for 9 months, were interrogat­ed and had their statements recorded.

Their statements will be shared with the Andheri police which will include them in the charge sheet.

The police said the sexua abuse and assault started in June last year. Andheri police sources added that the new amended law in which minors can be tried as adults will not be applied in this case. On Tuesday, the accused were produced before a juvenile justice board at Dongri and the victim was taken for a medica test to a government hospital.

The accused had allegedly threatened that they had video recorded the crime and would make it public if he told anyone about it. The police said the accused were bluffing, they had not made any such video.

The victim and the accused lived in the same locality. The boy was first sexually abused by few of them and the number of boys increased subsequent­ly. The police said that after being sexu ally abused several times the boy became “frustrated” and had even got into a fight with the accused out of anger.

The police said that a loca NGO worker learnt about the sex ual abuse after which the NGO with the consent of the victim’s parents, took him to the Andher police station

he police then registered an FIR under section 377 (unnatura offences) of the Indian Penal Code and section 8 (sexual assault) and 12 (sexual harassment) of the

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