Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

We have to get strict about vaccinatio­n

- Kavita Awaasthi kavita.awaasthi@htlive.com

With the on-ground situation getting better, the second wave on the verge of ending and the country in unlock mode, Gurmeet Choudhary is happy, but adds we still have a long way to go.

The actor says, “It is outstandin­g that we have been able to overcome the second wave. Earlier, we were fighting for beds, oxygen, medicines and ambulances, but now, people are struggling to make ends meet. I have got many requests for jobs as people don’t have money. Through my foundation, we have been trying to help as many people as possible.”

Recently, he helped a woman get a bed for her husband in a hospital, but a few days later, he heard that her husband passed away. “It hadn’t been even four days since his death, and she was calling me because she needed a job to run her house, pay hospital bills and take care of her baby. It was heartbreak­ing as she wasn’t even able to mourn him. I spoke to some friends who are in the corporate sector and thankfully, got a job for her. That’s when I realised that collaborat­ing with corporates for jobs is the way out,” he says.

With work restarting, he realises that people will soon get busy with their respective lives. He says, “In the last two months, my team and I have been trying and doing our best. Now, the focus should be on getting people vaccinated. Even now, there are people who think it is a myth. There should be a strict rule for vaccinatio­n all over India. Our government is serious but, there are many people who are not serious about being jabbed.”

Even now, there are people who think vaccinatio­n is a myth. There should be a strict rule for it all over India. GURMEET CHOUDHARY, Actor

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