Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

Surya Namaskar, Yoga must in Mumbai schools

- Tanushree Venkatrama­n tanushree.venkatrama­n@hindustant­imes.com

MUMBAI: In a discussion that panned for more than two hours with more than 20 speakers, the Shiv Sena-BJP-ruled Brihanmumb­ai Municipal Corporatio­n (BMC) passed a proposal making Yoga and Surya Namaskar mandatory in all civic schools on Tuesday.

Surya Namaskar or salutation to the Sun God is a set of 12 sequential yoga asanas or postures.

The ruling allies rejected the amendment demanded by opposition parties, Congress and Samajwadi Party (SP), to make it optional for schools. The SP also demanded removing Surya Namaskar from the proposal. The discussion follows a notice of motion mooted by BJP corporator Samita Kamble to improve the health of students by incorporat­ing these traditiona­l practices.

While Sena had earlier demanded that martial arts be included in the proposal, it was mum in the discussion at the general body meeting in BMC headquarte­rs despite being the majority party.

BMC runs 1,188 primary and 49 secondary schools in Mumbai. This includes nearly 400 Urdumedium schools also.

Rais Shaikh, an SP corporator said, “After entering our kitchens, the BJP wants to play with young minds too. Surya Namaskar is a form of Hindu worship, a religious practise and cannot be enforced on any child. We should not mix education and religion.”

Shaikh said the party will bring in a proposal where children will be taught to say “As-salamu allaykum”, a greeting in Arabic meaning “peace be on you” if the proposal is passed. He also lashed out saying Surya Namaskar entails bowing before the Sun God when Islam does not permit a Muslim to “bow in front of anyone but Allah.”

Congress leader Mohsin Haider said such proposals that “disturb the secular fabric” of the House should not be entertaine­d.

 ?? MUJEEB FARUQUI/HT FILE ?? Ruling allies rejected the amendment demanded by Congress and SP to make Surya Namaskar optional for schools.
MUJEEB FARUQUI/HT FILE Ruling allies rejected the amendment demanded by Congress and SP to make Surya Namaskar optional for schools.

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