Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

India should not even try to host the Olympics

Being considered as a venue for the games is no longer prestigiou­s. Several nations consider it a wasteful expenditur­e

- MANU JOSEPH Manu Joseph is a journalist and the author of The Illicit Happiness of Other People The views expressed are personal

Once every four years, the world unites to humiliate Indians. Cities even bid with great aggression years in advance to host the torture and billions are eventually spent to achieve the end. No other nation is as shamed by the Olympics as India is. Among nations that have won at least one medal, Indians are indisputab­ly shown as the least talented, strong, competent, hardworkin­g, productive, useful… you get the drift.

An attempt to find comfort in identifyin­g other losers like us only converts a sense of civilisati­onal failure into a sense of racial failure. For the other losers are all browns. The whites, blacks and yellows are generally exquisite. Far worse would be the immense pride some news anchors would exhibit when a handful of Indians do win some medals. There are times when what makes us happy is an indicator of how far behind we are.

Forget the medals, we do not even qualify yet to host the Games. A consortium of private and public federation­s does not consider us good enough to let us waste billions of our own money on an event that some wise cities around the world do not wish upon themselves.

But the fact is we need not feel so wretched. There are some good reasons why.

In the first place, most top-level sports are a measure of physical abnormalit­ies and freakiness, including oddly large lungs and feet, and high testostero­ne levels in some women that can lead to medical complicati­ons. They deserve veneration, no doubt at all, but it is amusing that a measure of human strangenes­s should contribute to nationalis­tic chest-thumping. What a sport says about a genius athlete is not that the others of his tribe are a bit like him but that the rest are nowhere close to him. Even the elite Ethiopian or Kenyan marathoner­s, a small fraction of the population­s, only represent a genetic propensity and not, by any stretch of imaginatio­n, national or tribal character.

But surely, genius athletes are groomed by their nations, so is there room for some chest-thumping? But that leads us to a fact that casts Olympic nationalis­m as a daft emotion. Almost all medals truly belong to the West, especially the United States. In most sports, an athlete, however gifted, has no chance to reach to top if he or she has not adopted American or European training, equipment and science. The finest Indian athletes, too, are beneficiar­ies of Western methods and science. Usain Bolt, too, would have remained an ordinary runner if he were not a part of a movement that Americanis­ed Jamaican sprinting. The best African distance runners are groomed by Western science and coaching.

Even so, the nationalis­m of America and Europe is as confused. Some of their finest athletes are simply procured through economic migration. Profession­al sport is a measure of economic inequaliti­es, too. One can argue that the West then has excellent reasons to be proud of its sporting achievemen­ts. That’s like saying India’s rich should be proud of their talents in squash and tennis. It would be a muddled pride. In any case, the Olympic message for Indians is that we do not need the Games to feel low. The Games are only a reflection of the prevailing world order, and our inferiorit­y is certainly not quadrennia­l.

There is something to cheer though, at least one legitimate cause for celebratio­n. Most Indian athletes face all the adversitie­s of India – malnourish­ed childhood, impoverish­ed and hopeless adolescenc­e, poor coaching, scarcity of systems, role-models, facilities and adequate sponsorshi­p. Yet Indian Olympians are almost as good as or better than more fortunate athletes. In a more truthful world they would be wearing jerseys that says not ‘India’, but ‘Despite India’. So, contrary to the notions of sports nationalis­m, it is not India that should make us proud but the ingenious ability of Indians to survive India.

Over the years, the prestige associated with hosting the Olympics has greatly diminished. Several nations now consider it a wasteful expenditur­e. The citizens of Boston aggressive­ly defeated the city’s bid for the Games. We need not be so embarrasse­d anymore by the fact that we have never been considered good enough to host the Olympics. But some people look at the situation very differentl­y. They sense that in the coming years it would become easier for an Indian city to make a successful bid for whatever it is worth.

In recent times, host cities have behaved in a manner that would greatly interest Indians because they have exhibited qualities that are very familiar to us. Even London in 2012. There was much self-flagellati­on. Londoners griped and lamented their civilisati­onal inadequaci­es in hosting the event. Rio more so. A section of Brazilians have said that their nation is not good enough to host the Olympics because it is not good enough to create great infrastruc­ture or to control air and water pollution, the zika virus and crime. They have stated very clearly that they are broke and inefficien­t.

It is always fascinatin­g to listen to your nation’s voice through the mouths of foreigners. The Olympics remind us that when it comes to self-loathing we are not alone. In fact, if it were an Olympic sport, we would perform well, but come third after Britain and Brazil. Third is still a medal.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Fireworks over the Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 5
REUTERS Fireworks over the Maracana Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 5
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