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‘I don’t want to promote regressive ideas’

- Samarth Goyal samarth. goyal@ hindustant­imes. com ■

Actor Shweta Tripathi says she will never do projects that promote social evils and stereotype­s.

The 31-year-old, who featured in ads, says she will never endorse products that promote stereotype­s. She says, “You’ll never see me in an ad for fairness creams. I think it’s outrageous that even in this day and age, there are products that urge people to be fair, or that their luck depends on their skin colour. Similarly, you’ll never see me endorse ads for fast food joints anymore. It’s not like I don’t eat fast food or non-vegetarian food, but I don’t want to be part of projects, which as I said aren’t healthy or promote any kind of stereotype in the society.”

Tripathi, who rose to fame with her role in the film Masaan (2015) feels her fame has made her responsibl­e.

“I’ve endorsed fast food, but now that people know me, I feel I should not do it. I’ve matured and I feel there is a certain kind of responsibi­lity that we have towards the society. So even if I do certain things myself in my personal life, this is something that will have some kind of an effect on the society and that’s why I will never promote such products. I don’t want to be part of ideas which are regressive and put us on the back foot,” she says.

I’ve matured over the years as an actor and I feel there is a certain kind of responsibi­lity that we have towards the society SHWETA TRIPATHI, ACTOR

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