Hindustan Times (Patiala)



WASHINGTON: US vice president Joe Biden has singled out Pakistan, along with Russia and North Korea, for making “counterpro­ductive” moves that only heightened the risk that nuclear weapons could be used in a regional conflict.

“Not just North Korea, but Russia, Pakistan, and others have made counterpro­ductive moves that only increase the risk that nuclear weapons could be used in a regional conflict in Europe, South Asia, or East Asia,” Biden said in his remarks on nuclear security.

Working with the Congress, the next administra­tion will have to navigate these dangers and continue leading the global consensus to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in our world, Biden said a week before the end of eight years of the Barack Obama administra­tion. Donald Trump will take office as the next US president on January 20.

Nuclear weapons, the proliferat­ion of this deadly knowledge to more nations, and the possibilit­y of a terrorist obtaining nuclear materials, remain among the most pressing security challenges, he said.

“Even one nuclear bomb can still cause hideous damage. That’s why, from the moment President Obama and I took office eight years ago, reducing the threat of a nuclear attack has been a chief national security priority,” he said adding that thanks to America’s leadership, the internatio­nal community is newly focused on preventing nuclear terrorism.

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