Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Rahul writes to Yogi for increase in compensati­on


In a letter to Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath, leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi has said compensati­on announced for the families of those who died in the Hathras stampede was inadequate and the amount should not only be increased but also be paid at the earliest.

He also demanded appropriat­e treatment along with adequate compensati­on to those injured in the tragedy. As many as 121 people died in the stampede at the site of a satsang (religious event) at Phulrai village in Hathras on July 2.

“The compensati­on that the Uttar Pradesh government has declared is utterly inadequate. I request an increase in compensati­on and early payment. Those injured should also be given appropriat­e treatment and compensati­on,” Rahul Gandhi said in the letter dated July 6 sent to Adityanath.

On Friday, Rahul Gandhi visited Aligarh and Hathras to meet the families of those killed and injured and share their grief.

“This incident is so tragic that I fell short of words while consoling the affected families,” he said. “Affected families shared with me that laxity and insensitiv­eness of the local (Hathras) administra­tion there was responsibl­e for the tragedy. An appropriat­e and transparen­t inquiry will not only help in checking such incidents in future but will also restore the confidence of the affected families in the justice system. In the interest of justice, it is necessary to ensure that strict punishment is given to those guilty,” he said. Rahul Gandhi further said, “In this time of grief, our responsibi­lity is to stand by affected families. I and all the Congress workers are available for all the cooperatio­n in the matter. I hope you will give special priority to the work relating to assistance in Hathras keeping in view the seriousnes­s of the whole issue,” he said.

“I am writing this letter with a pain in my heart, and I know you will also be feeling the same pain,” Rahul further said.

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