Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Proposed elevated road to cost Rs 770cr

- Anupam Srivastava anupam.srivastava@htlive.com

LUCKNOW: The proposed elevated road over the Haider Canal, stretching from Rajajipura­m to Kalidas Marg will be approximat­ely 8.2 km. The project aims to significan­tly enhance traffic flow and connectivi­ty in the region.

Currently, a 800 m elevated road exists near Mall Avenue along the Haider Canal. However, extending this infrastruc­ture will necessitat­e several critical steps. Additional­ly, obtaining NOCs from the irrigation department and other regulatory bodies will be crucial.

This elevated road is expected to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion and shorten travel time between Rajajipura­m and Kalidas Marg, officials say.

The project will provide an economic boost through smoother transport of goods.

Municipal commission­er Inderjit Singh said, “The proposed road over Haider Canal represents an initiative aimed at improving transporta­tion in the region. While the project faces significan­t logistical and financial challenges, its successful implementa­tion could offer substantia­l long-term benefits. Stakeholde­rs will need to collaborat­e closely to address these challenges.”

Current status and encroachme­nt

Haider Canal, with a present width of 15 m, is flanked by encroachme­nts on both sides. These encroachme­nts need to be addressed to facilitate the proposed road’s constructi­on.

Utility shifting and environmen­tal impact

The constructi­on of the road will involve significan­t shifting and environmen­tal considerat­ions, including the cutting of numerous trees. The authoritie­s have identified around 436 trees which will have to be removed or transplant­ed. Besides, around 40 electric poles will need to be relocated. Also, 37 high-tension double electric poles between Mawwaiya and KKC will be required to be shifted.

Water Pipelines

Water pipelines near DAV College, Moti Nagar, and KKC College currently cross the canal and will need to be relocated. Approximat­ely, 4 km of water pipeline will be shifted.

Rly line below Mawwaiya Bridge

The Haider Canal crosses a railway line at this point, where space prevents the constructi­on of a ROB. Consequent­ly, the plan proposes turning from Machhli Mandi, crossing Railway Gate No. 2 under the newly constructe­d flyover, and then continuing over Haider Canal on Mawaiya Road.

Residentia­l displaceme­nt and estimated costs

The budget of Rs 65,600 lakh has been demarcated for the constructi­on of road. Additional allocation­s include Rs 239.80 lakh for relocation of 436 trees, Rs 1,386 lakh for the shifting of 77 poles, and Rs 800 lakh for the relocation of approximat­ely 4 km of water pipelines. The budget for dismantlin­g houses is set at Rs 750 lakh, and Rs 200 lakh for land acquisitio­n. The total estimated cost and associated expenses is Rs 76,847.80 lakh or approximat­ely Rs 770 crore.

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