Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

State govt steps up flood management preparatio­ns

- HT Correspond­ent letters@hindustant­imes.com

LUCKNOW: The Uttar Pradesh government has accelerate­d the preparatio­ns for flood management in various districts, establishe­d 612 flood posts in 24 highly sensitive and 16 sensitive areas across the state to minimise casualties and property damage on the directions of chief minister Yogi Adityanath and deployed NDRF, SDRF and PAC teams at key spots to carry out relief and rescue operations.

The tender process for procuremen­t of food grains for distributi­on among the flood victims has been successful­ly completed in 39 districts.

At a high-level meeting on July 1, Adityanath had instructed officers for effective coordinati­on and swift action for flood relief and rescue operations. As 24 districts are highly flood-prone, officers should ensure that all preparatio­ns are made in advance, he had said.

After his directive, various government department­s worked in mission mode to execute the orders within five days.

Principal secretary, revenue, P Guru Prasad said the chief minister had instructed the officers to remain alert in flood-prone areas and strengthen the preparatio­ns.

Seven teams of NDRF, 18 teams of SDRF and 17 teams of PAC have been deployed on the flood posts. Aapda Mitras have also been deployed to assist the administra­tion in flood management.

A total of 4,700 rahat chaupals have been organized in flood-affected areas within a year.

People were informed about measures they should adopt to protect themselves and their cattle during flood. As part of pre-flood preparedne­ss, mock drills have been conducted by SDRF, NDRF, and PAC in 25 districts, he said.

Relief commission­er GS Naveen Kumar said the state government has released Rs 10 crore for flood-affected districts.

The tender process for procuremen­t of food packets has been completed in 39 districts. The tender for food packets in Ghazipur will be completed in a day or two. Two types of food packets will be distribute­d in flood-affected areas. The first one will contain two packets of 2.5 kg each of puffed rice, 2 kg roasted gram, 1 kg jaggery in a plastic packet, 10 packets of biscuits, one packet of matchstick­s and candles, two pieces of bathing soap, a 20-litre jerrycan, one tarpaulin of 12 x 10 square feet thickness whose GSM should not be less than 110, among other items will be distribute­d to each family.

Similarly, the second packet includes 10 kg of wheat flour, 10 kg of rice, 2 kg of tur dal, 10 kg of potatoes, 200 grams of turmeric, 100 grams of chili powder, 200 grams of vegetable masala, 1 litre of mustard oil and 1 kg of salt for each person

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