Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Tories fear poll betting scandal may sink them

- Bloomberg letters@hindustant­imes.com

Rishi Sunak’s chances of avoiding a landslide defeat in the UK election dwindled further as his Conservati­ve Party battled revelation­s that several of the prime minister’s close aides placed bets on the date of the vote. A Sunday Times report that a senior Conservati­ve official made dozens of bets with bookmakers that Sunak would call a July election makes it four prominent Tories who have now been accused of trying to profit by gambling on its timing.

There are serious concerns at the top of the Sunak’s party that other leading figures may be drawn into the affair with just days to go until the election, people with knowledge of the matter said. The scandal — dubbed “Gamblegate” in the British media — is threatenin­g to dominate the remainder of the campaign at a time when Sunak’s Tories badly need to make up ground.

Polls show Keir Starmer’s Labour Party is on course for a historic victory in the July 4 vote, while internal Tory analysis suggests the opposition party could win a parliament­ary majority as high as 200 seats.

Craig Williams, a Tory candidate who acted as Sunak’s parliament­ary aide, has admitted to betting on the election date shortly before the premier announced it. Since then, another candidate and two staff members at Conservati­ve headquarte­rs have been named in the media as having bet on the date. A police officer who worked in Sunak’s close protection team was also arrested on suspicion of misconduct in public office after allegedly betting on the timing.

Sunak said last week he was “incredibly angry,” but he’s facing intense criticism — including from within his Tory party — because he hasn’t suspended any of the accused Conservati­ves from their positions.

The Gambling Commission said in a statement late on Sunday it was “investigat­ing the possibilit­y of offences concerning the date of the election.” It said its probe was “ongoing” and declined to name how many people it is looking into, or disclose their identities. The Conservati­ve Party also declined to provide details, citing what it called the advice of the Gambling Commission.

The risk for the Tories is that at a moment in the political cycle when voters are already casting postal ballots and thinking more intensely about who to vote for on July 4, it’s the betting scandal that is dominating the headlines. Speaking on Bloomberg TV on Monday, former Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond drew a parallel between the betting row and the so-called Partygate scandal involving former premier Boris Johnson and his aides breaking lockdown rules during the Covid pandemic.

He said many voters made up their minds then they wanted a change of government, but that the betting scandal was a symptom of a failure of leadership at the top of the party.

“That’s when the rot set in,” Hammond said. “We’ve been gone through a period when the top leadership of the party has not sent strong enough signals about the requiremen­t to comply with basic codes of ethics.”

Labour’s Pat McFadden wrote to the Gambling Commission on Sunday, calling on the regulator to name those it’s investigat­ing.

 ?? AP ?? Rishi Sunak
AP Rishi Sunak

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