Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

VHP activates its units in India and abroad for bhumi pujan celebratio­ns

- Pawan Dixit Pawan.dixit@htlive.com

LUCKNOW: The central leadership of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has activated its units in Uttar Pradesh, elsewhere in the country and overseas to ensure global celebratio­ns marking the bhumi pujan for the Ram temple in Ayodhya on August 5, an office bearer of the outfit said.

The Indian-American community in New York city is planning to celebrate bhumi pujan by beaming images of Lord Ram and 3D portraits of the Ram temple across giant billboards at the iconic Times Square.

Rajendra Singh ‘Pankaj’, central joint secretary of VHP, said, “The Indian community in the US will celebrate bhumi pujan at Times Square in New York. Apart from this, the Indian community across the world will celebrate the event in whatever way they can.”

VHP internatio­nal general secretary Vinayak Rao Deshpande and secretary general Milind Parande are looking after the internatio­nal celebratio­ns.

“Celebratio­ns have been planned in the US, in several countries in Europe and in South Africa with the help of the Indian community living there,” Rajendra Singh said.

“(Outside India) the celebratio­ns in New York will be the biggest. A message has been conveyed to the Indian diaspora across the world to hold some kind of celebratio­n to mark the bhumi pujan,” he said.

In India, VHP workers have been asked to tell people in their respective regions to hold some kind of celebratio­n on the day of the Ram temple ceremony.

The VHP and its affiliate organisati­ons have planned various activities in villages across the state. These include lighting diyas (earthen lamps), organising bhajans-kirtans in small groups or assembling at one place in small numbers to watch the live telecast of bhumi pujan.

“The VHP cadre is organising small meetings across the state for spreading the message about the bhumi pujan celebratio­ns. Messages are also being circulated through social media and WhatsApp, asking people to celebrate the bhumi pujan,” said Bholendra Singh, regional organisati­on secretary, VHP.

Chief minister Yogi Adityanath and Champat Rai, general secretary of the Shri Ram Janmabhoom­i Teertha Kshetra Trust, have also issued an appeal to people to light earthen lamps at home to celebrate the bhumi pujan.

 ?? PTI ?? A hoarding of PM Narendra Modi and other leaders put up beside a statue of lord Hanuman in Ayodhya.
PTI A hoarding of PM Narendra Modi and other leaders put up beside a statue of lord Hanuman in Ayodhya.

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