Hindustan Times (Lucknow)


PDP slams extension of Mehbooba’s detention; Omar welcomes Lone’s release

- Mir Ehsan letters@hindustant­imes.com ■

SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir administra­tion extended the detention of former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti by three months even as it released People’s Conference chief Sajjad Gani Lone in Srinagar on Friday, a week ahead of the one-year anniversar­y of the revocation of the troubled region’s special status and its bifurcatio­n.

Mufti, who has been held under the stringent Public Safety Act (PSA) since the early hours of August 5, 2019, is among 20-odd political leaders in the Valley who continue to remain under detention. Two other former chief ministers – Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar – were released in March.

The PDP condemned the extension of Mufti’s detention. ‘It’s high time the BJP realises that we as Kashmiris refuse to be trivialise­d,” the party said.

Shortly after his release on Friday, Lone tweeted: “Finally 5 days short of a year I have been officially informed that I am a free man. So much has changed. So have I.”

SRINAGAR:The Jammu and Kashmir administra­tion extended the detention of former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti by three months even as it released People’s Conference chief Sajjad Gani Lone in Srinagar on Friday, a week ahead of the one-year anniversar­y of the revocation of the troubled region’s special status and its bifurcatio­n.

Mufti, who has been held under the stringent Public Safety Act (PSA) since the early hours of August 5, 2019, is among 20-odd political leaders in the Valley who continue to remain under detention. Two other former chief ministers – Farooq Abdullah and his son Omar – were released on March 13 and March 24.

Mufti’s party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), ran a coalition government in the undivided state with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) until the alliance collapsed in June 2018 that prompted the imposition of Governor’s Rule.

Principal secretary to J&K home department, Shaleen Kabra, issued an order announcing the extension of Mufti’s detention. “In exercise of powers conferred by section 8 (1) a read with clause a of sub section (1) of section 18 of JKPSA 1978, the government hereby directs that the period of detention of Mehbooba Mufti, D/O Mufti Mohammad Sayeed R/O Bijbhera A/P Nowgam Srinagar be extended for further period of three months and she may be lodged in subsidiary jail Fairview Gupkar Road Srinagar,’’ read the order. This is the second time that PSA has been extended in Mufti’s case. Under PSA, a person can be kept under detention for up to two years.

The former CM was arrested on August 5 from her official residence and lodged at Chesmashah­i huts. She was moved to a government building close to the MLA hostel, where other detainees were held, in November. In April this year, Mufti was shifted to her official residence at Fairview on Gupkar Road.

The PDP condemned the extension of Mufti’s detention. “It’s high time the BJP realizes that we as Kashmiris refuse to be trivialise­d,” the party said.

Lone, who was a minister in the PDP-BJP government, was also arrested hours before the Centre stripped J&K of its special status on August 5, 2019, and held at the government house in Church Lane, Sonwar.

“Finally 5 days short of a year I have been officially informed that I am a free man. So much has changed. So have I,” Lone tweeted shortly after his release.

“Jail was not a new experience. Earlier ones were harsh with usual doses of physical torture. But this was psychologi­cally draining. Much to share hopefully soon,’’ he added.

The developmen­ts came a week after Apni Party chief Altaf Bukhari said he was told by lieutenant governor GC Murmu that the political detainees would be released soon.

Nearly all of Kashmir’s mainstream political leaders were detained hours before the central government nullified Article 370 of the Constituti­on, which accorded special status to the region, and divided the state into two union territorie­s – Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.

Lone was initially kept at a makeshift jail at Centaur hotel on the banks of the Dal Lake along with several other mainstream leaders before they all were moved to MLA hostel in Srinagar. In February, Lone and PDP leader Waheed Parra were moved to their residences and put under house arrest.

Omar Abdullah welcomed Lone’s release. “Good to hear that Sajjad Lone has been released from illegal house arrest. I hope others under similar illegal detention will also be released without any delay,’’ Omar Abdullah tweeted.

 ?? PTI FILE ?? Security personnel in Baramulla on July 1.
PTI FILE Security personnel in Baramulla on July 1.

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