Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Got the opportunit­y to pursue the long lost habit of reading

- RADHARANI GHOSH Editor, Rotary Club Lucknow Rajdhani & Treasurer, Inner Wheel Club, Lucknow Rajdhani

The ongoing lockdown gave me an opportunit­y to pursue the long lost habit of reading. All thanks to my husband who is an avid reader and book lover.

I have always seen him immersed in books and I used to think as what pleasure he derives from his endless browsing of his books collection. Implementa­tion of the lockdown deprived me of all my other activities and I felt that I was living in a vacuum while my husband’s lifestyle continued unabated.

It was then that I realised that I should find out how he was managing to pass his time all so well. I then borrowed one of his books and got engrossed slowly as I turned the pages. In no time I got involved with the plot so much that I couldn’t take my mind of from reading till I finished the book. It was then that I realised what a pleasure the habit of reading is.

The first step is to find a good book that you will enjoy and which is as per your perception and depth. To start with my husband suggested books with simple storylines, the plot should be interestin­g and reading the book should not be dealt as a chore. As my husband is a thriller reader and has a vast collection of Stephen King, John Grisham, Robert Ludlum, Lee Child and the likes of them. He in his childhood had started with Enid Blyton and slowly graduated to other authors. So following his footsteps I started with Blyton’s ‘Famous Five’ series and was immersed in the activities and adventures of the children. In this lockdown finally I too developed my love for books and now I am immersed in the make believe world of fantasy and adventure. I am also trying to pass on the habit to my grandson who too enjoys reading.

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