Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Dispel hate, usher in the light of love during this Diwali

- Sneha Pathak (Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

Every household bustles with activity as people clean up their houses before Diwali, the festival of lights. People try to make their homes spick and span before Diwali for some reasons. To begin with, it is believed that this festival marks the onset of new beginnings. People welcome the goddess of wealth into their homes and seek prosperity and luck. But is it enough to just clean up our houses to usher in prosperity and luck?

As we get rid of the old junk, isn’t it just as important to clean our hearts and minds of the same petty prejudices, grudges and stress that we have been harbouring for a while? Isn’t it necessary to make space for a progressiv­e outlook, love and faith as well? We have to make a choice between the two since only one of them can stay in our lives at one time. Only when our hearts are free of jealousy, greed, anger and other such vices can we boast of having a clean residence. Because, God resides in our heart and soul before he resides in our homes.

So this festive season, strive to get rid of the emotional baggage, fear and regrets that have been crowding your mind for a while to make room for hope, peace and new opportunit­ies. De-clutter your mind by getting rid of the jealousy that clouds your judgment; instead be busy counting your own blessings. Forgive the guilty and those who hurt you, not for their sake, but for your own. Make so much room for love in your life that there remains no space for hate to crawl back.

Prepare for the darkness that haunts your mind to be cast away by the light of positivity as you prepare to cleanse your mind, body and spirit this Diwali.

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