Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

CBI case against Teesta for accepting foreign funds illegally

- HT Correspond­ent letters@hindustant­imes.com

NEW DELHI: The Central Bureau of I nvestig ation ( CBI) on Wednesday registered a case against social activist Teesta Setalvad’s Mumbai-based company Sabrang Communicat­ions and Publishing Private Limited (SCPPL) and three of its directors, including her, for alleged acceptance of illegal foreign contributi­ons.

The case was re gistered for conducting a probe into allegation­s related to criminal conspiracy and violations of the Foreign Contributi­on Regulation Act (FCRA) for “illegal acceptance of foreign contributi­on without registrati­on and prior permission from the Union ministry of home affairs,” said a CBI source.

The CBI action came after the home ministry recently asked the agency to conduct a probe into funding received by SCPPL.

A bank account of the firm located in Mumbai has also been frozen on the instructio­ns of the home ministry.

Despite repeated attempts, HT could not reach Setalvad.

Setalvad, who was at the forefront of campaign for 2002 Gujarat riots victims, told news agency PTI, “We are only responding to media reports which are following leakage from the government side.” She said, “We have got nothing from the CBI. While we maintain that no rules were violated, we still suo motu wrote a letter to CBI on June 30 assuring them full cooperatio­n and stating that we were willing to co-operate in any investigat­ions. We also told them to give us a notice to furnish any documents they require.”

In a letter to CBI’s joint director (economic offences) Rajeev Sharma, the home ministry had said that SCPPL was a private limited company engaged in media and publicatio­n. Two of its directors, Setalvad and her husband Anand, write columns and articles regularly.

“Such entities are prohibited from receiving foreign contributi­ons. The company has received foreign contributi­ons of $ 2,90,000 and ` 1.30 crore in violation of sections 4(1)(b) and 3(1)(b) of the Foreign Contributi­ons Regulation Act (FCRA),” the letter had said.

 ??  ?? Teesta Setlvad.
Teesta Setlvad.

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