Hindustan Times (Jammu)



Srinagar, schemes for not only J&K but the whole country have started. J&K is ahead in promoting tourism for the whole country.” Modi said that Article 370 benefited only political parties with dynastic rule, a reference towards the Congress, National Conference and the Peoples Democratic Party, all of whom have opposed the abrogation of the special status.

“For decades, the Congress and its allies deceived the people of J&K and the country in the name of Article 370 for political benefit,” he said.

The PM questioned if Article 370 benefited the people or only some political families. “They (political families) were benefiting from it. J&K’s people have now understood that they were being deceived. J&K was trapped in chains for the benefit of some families. Today, Article 370 is not there, hence the abilities of the youth of J&K are fully respected. Today there are equal opportunit­ies and rights for all,” he said.

Modi said that refugees from Pakistan, people from the Valmiki communitie­s and sanitation workers had no voting rights for 70 years, which had now changed. “Valmiki community got the benefits of scheduled caste category after demanding for years. Seats have been reserved for scheduled tribes. Pahari, Gada Brahmin and Koli communitie­s have been included in STs,” he said, blaming “dynastic parties” for depriving people of these rights for decades. “Every section is seeing a return of their rights. In J&K, dynasticis­m and corruption has been in a secret union.”

The PM said that the feeling of arriving in “heaven on earth” – a quote often attributed to Mughal emperor Jahangir – cannot be put into words. “This unparallel­ed form of nature, the air, the valley, the environmen­t and the love and affection of Kashmiri brothers and sisters”, he said.

The PM also acknowledg­ed the presence of citizens outside the venue, and more than 100,000 people from 285 blocks connected to the event via video link. Underlinin­g that the new Jammu & Kashmir is one that was awaited for decades, Modi said, “Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee had sacrificed for this Jammu & Kashmir.”

He said that the new Jammu & Kashmir had the sparkle for the future in its eyes and the determinat­ion to clear all obstacles. “140 crore citizens feel at peace when they see the smiling faces of the people of Jammu & Kashmir…“The success story of Jammu and Kashmir will be the centre of attraction for the world.” The PM blamed what he called the mismanagem­ent of the Jammu & Kashmir Bank, which was embroiled in a multicrore scandal and called it a victim of dynasty politics and corruption. He mentioned ₹1,000 crore assistance to the bank and action against wrongful appointfro­m ments. He highlighte­d transparen­t recruitmen­ts in the last five years. “As a result, the J&K Bank profit has reached ₹1,700 crore and business has reached ₹2.25 lakh crore from ₹1.25 crore five years ago. Deposits also increased from ₹80,000 crores to ₹1.25 lakh crore…When there is an honest government, the intention is for the welfare of the people, then the people can be brought out of every difficulty,” he said.

Modi highlighte­d the successful hosting of the G20 event in the region and the boom in tourism. “There was a time when people questioned who would visit Jammu & Kashmir for tourism. Today, Jammu & Kashmir are breaking all tourism records. In 2023 alone, Jammu and Kashmir welcomed over 2 crore tourists, surpassing previous records. Over the past 10 years, the Amarnath Yatra has witnessed the highest number of pilgrims participat­ing, and Vaishno Devi also recorded a significan­t increase in devotee footfall,” he said.

He mentioned two new AIIMS in the region, seven new medical colleges, two cancer hospitals and institutes such as IIT and IIM in the region. He urged the tourists visiting Kashmir to spend at least 5-10% of their tour packages on shopping that will generate livelihood and job opportunit­ies for locals. “You cannot come, see and go back. You should spend 5-10% on shopping. I have also purchased from here,” he said.

Encouragin­g tourists to contribute to the local economy, he also called upon NRIs to participat­e in the “Chalo India” initiative. He said under the “Dekho Apna Desh People’s Choice” campaign, 40 places were identified by the government to be developed as tourist destinatio­ns in the next two years. As a part of this, the government would develop the most preferred tourist destinatio­ns based on public opinion.

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