Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Rain triggers flashflood­s in rivulets, vehicles stuck in debris

- HT Correspond­ent letterschd@hindustant­imes.com

SHIMLA : Overnight downpour led to flashflood­s in Churat Nullah and Chamyana rivulet near Shimla, damaging seven vehicles, officials said on Friday.

There was no casualty but water supply to Shimla town was affected due to the flashflood­s. Due to high turbidity Shimla receives water supply of 34 .84 million liters per day. The silt level was high in the Giri River subsequent­ly the Shimla Jal Prabhandha­n Nigam could only draw 7.4 MLD of water said an SJPNL official.

Shimla recorded 84.3mm of rainfall, while the airport at Jubbarhatt­i got 136mm rain after the downpour began around 10 pm on Thursday night and lasted till the wee hours of Friday. The KuniharNal­agarh road was closed due to heavy rain late Thursday night. Debris accumulate­d close to Gambhar bridge. Three days ago, a lot of damage was caused by a cloudburst here. At present, a PWD team is working to open the road.

The local India Meteorolog­ical Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert in the state till July 1. Heavy to very heavy rainfall accompanie­d by thundersto­rms are forecast in Shimla, Kullu, Mandi, Bilaspur, Chamba, Sirmaur and Solan districts till Sunday. Heavy to very heavy rain falls in the category of 64.5mm to 204.4mm.

As heavy rain continued till 2am on Friday, roads in the Malyana area of Shimla were blocked with debris from the adjoining hillside on the road to Surala. Three parked cars were stuck in muck after the downpour.

Vehicle owners discovered the damage only in the morning and began extricatin­g their cars with the help of labourers.

In another incident, a Maruti Gypsy skidded off the road on the way from Manali to Rohtang Pass, injuring seven people, including tourists, on Friday. The condition of one of the injured is serious.

Chief minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said on Friday said that the state government was fully prepared to deal with any potential disaster related challenges during the monsoon.

He said the government has taken effective steps at various levels and all department­s have been instructed to remain vigilant and responsive to any potential emergencie­s.

The CM said the disaster management authority was working in coordinati­on with various department­s to ensure the implementa­tion of preventive measures.

Adequate manpower and machinery have been deployed at identified vulnerable locations, besides conducting regular mock drills and providing training related to disaster management to the field staff and other officials, he added.

He has also urged the public to remain cautious, and not to venture near rivers and rivulets during the monsoon season.

 ?? DEEPAK SANSTA/HT ?? Vehicles stuck in debris after flashflood­s triggered a landslide following heavy overnight rain at Malyana near Shimla on Friday.
DEEPAK SANSTA/HT Vehicles stuck in debris after flashflood­s triggered a landslide following heavy overnight rain at Malyana near Shimla on Friday.
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