Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Masqueradi­ng is the new normal, or is it?

- The writer is a Chandigarh-based communicat­ion profession­al Preeti Parashar vepreeti@gmail.com

Masked faces are a common sight these days. But I wonder why it’s different. We’ve always been masqueradi­ng behind unseen and hidden masks. Appearance­s can be deceptive. What we see is not necessaril­y the truth.

On the face of it, we humans always want to show our best side to others. We try to adapt to worldly norms, or sometimes go against them. In the process, we tend to forget who we really are. We take on an ‘avatar’ that is acceptable to the world. Maybe it’s important for our survival, maybe it is not.

Unknowingl­y, we put on an invisible mask that works 24x7 and becomes an inseparabl­e part of us. As time progresses, the mask tends to seep into our attitude and nature, so much so that even the mirror can’t tell the real from the myth.

The artificial mask that we wear now is to protect ourselves from an unseen intruder. It is a destroyer and no one has been able to tame it yet. We are getting used to carrying the mask and living with it. On the contrary, it comes as a boon for some in such times of distress, for they don’t have to don the unseen mask to hide their expression­s or thoughts. No extra effort is required to be wary of being caught off guard. People can carry on with their acts and public comments (as on TV) as they don’t fear being recognised.

Comically, it’s a cause of rejoicing for men, who have been perenniall­y complainin­g of the time their better halves take to get ready. Just so, the mask must have cut down this time drasticall­y. There is less of a tension now as women don’t have to select the lipstick shade they would wear every day (who cares now when you don’t have to move out and if you do, the mask sticks to your face).

But yes, the fashionist­as aren’t letting this moment go without making the mask an ‘in’ trending feature of their wardrobe. Fashionabl­e masks are flooding online platforms and local markets. People are matching the masks to their outfits and flaunting them as a style statement. Some of us have been quick and industriou­s enough to use our skills to stitch masks at home.

What a perfect example of finding opportunit­ies in a crisis!

On a deeper thought, let aside the outsider, how does one tackle the demon within? Can it be hidden by sporting an artificial mask? Or the natural mask that we wear all the time to camouflage our personalit­y. Well, I doubt! It takes a lot to pacify the inner self, which is always dominant in thoughts and our latent behaviour. Some divert towards God to explore their true self or some learn it through varied life experience­s.

I’d say, let’s take life as it comes and live the moment – that’s what can help us stay afloat forever.


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