Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Turkey fumes as US to halt visa services for citizens

US move follows arrest of consulate staff, other Americans over ties to cleric


WASHINGTON : In an escalating diplomatic row, the United States and Turkey have scaled back visa services in almost identical announceme­nts issued just hours apart citing the need to review security concerns.

“Recent events have forced the United States government to reassess the commitment of government of Turkey to the security of US mission and personnel,” the US mission in Ankara said in a statement.

“In order to minimize the number of visitors to our embassy and consulates while this assessment proceeds, effective immediatel­y we have suspended all non-immigrant visa services at all US diplomatic facilities in Turkey.”

The Turkish government followed up with an announceme­nt of their own in Washington DC, mirroring the American statement: “Recent events have forced Turkish government to reassess the commitment of the government of the United States to the security of Turkish Mission facilities and personnel.”

The spat between the two Nato allies escalated after the arrest of an American consulate employee in Istanbul last week by Turkish authoritie­s who have since charged him with alleged links to a Pennsylvan­ia-based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen, who Ankara blames for the failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2016. Gulen has denied any involvemen­t.

The Turkish government has also been holding a dozen Americans in custody, alleging they participat­ed in the coup. They include Andrew Brunson, an American pastor. The New York Times reported last week that Erdogan has offered to release the pastor in exchange for Gulen.

“They say, ‘Give us this certain pastor’,” he was quoted as saying, recounting an exchange with American officials. “You have another pastor in your hands; give him to us.”

Turkey has ignored personal appeals for their release from President Donald Trump, who received Erdogan during a visit marred by violence started by his security personnel, and a letter signed by members of congress.

In a travel advisory issued in September, the US state department said that in the aftermath of the failed coup, “Turkish authoritie­s have detained US citizens without granting access to lawyers or family members… Delays or denial of consular access to US citizens detained or arrested by security forces have become more common, and US mission Turkey does not have consular access to arrested US citizens who also possess Turkish citizenshi­p.”

 ?? AFP FILE ?? Growing distance: Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Donald Trump wait for a meeting at the Palace Hotel during the UN General Assembly in New York in September.
AFP FILE Growing distance: Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Donald Trump wait for a meeting at the Palace Hotel during the UN General Assembly in New York in September.

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