Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

The Arab world will be left to its own devices

Today there is no global leader with the bandwidth to provide longterm therapy to West Asia’s trauma

- Pramit Pal Chaudhuri

Several years ago a French expert on radical Islam, Gilles Kepel, argued that European Muslims would provide the bridge between the mediaeval tribalism of the West Asian Arab and Western modernity. He could not have been more wrong. As the recent Christmas terror attack in Germany reminds, the European Muslim has instead become a bridge to transport West Asia’s ills into the European heartland. Unfortunat­ely, the evidence is that the high watermark for European jihad is still some years away. A majority of terror analysts believe Europe should brace for an ever-expanding footprint of violent Islamicist attacks for three reasons.

One, the social base of “lone wolf” attacks — alienated, working class European Muslims — will only increase in the coming decades. Europe’s economic future is one of either stagnation or negative growth. In terms of job creation, the story is even worse. A Muslim in Europe faces increasing discrimina­tion and suspicion. Each terror incident triggers a nativist backlash and even greater minority alienation. Notably, the German terror attack was contempora­neous with an attack on a mosque in Switzerlan­d. The rise of anti-immigrant parties only feeds this negative cycle.

Two, the Norwegian terrorism expert Thomas Hegghammer has shown that waves of Islamicist terror attacks in Europe closely tally the activity of what he calls “terror entreprene­urs”. These are Islamic State veterans or radical ideologues who do not directly involve themselves in violence but recruit and encourage youngsters to follow the path of jihadi violence. Because of the light prison sentences given to such persons in Europe, four to six years on average, thousands of these arrested in the mid-2000s have started to re-enter society. And they are unrepentan­t. German intelligen­ce studies show only one in 10 has renounced his ways. The numbers of such people, writes Hegghammer, “may be larger in the coming 10 years than it was in the previous decade.” These will be the seeds of a Euro-terror wave that could run into the 2020s.

Three, the ability of Europe’s intelligen­ce and police networks to tackle this internal threat has been declining. While budgets and manpower have increased, improvemen­ts in social media technology and the recruitmen­t of off-the-grid jihads has meant a declining ability to pre-empt attacks. Even excluding the attack in Germany, Islamcist terror claimed more lives in Europe between 2014 and 2016 than in all previous years combined. The worst statistic: Half of serious Islamicist terror plots in Europe today reach fruition. Fifteen years ago the pre-emption rate was closer to 70%.

Simple things like end-to-end encryption in messaging apps like WhatsApp have made real-time intelligen­ce gathering much harder . Europe’s patchwork of jurisdicti­ons continues to be exactly that, a patchwork. German’s provincial government­s and Belgium’s district police systems, for example, are notorious poor at sharing informatio­n with their central government counterpar­ts — and each other.

Finally, and there is a glimmer of hope here, there is the issue of overseas crucibles of violent Islamicism both territoria­l and ideologica­l. For Europe this has largely been about the State collapse between the Mediterran­ean and the Persian Gulf.

In theory, the slow but steady military rollback of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria should mean good news for Europe. But the key words here are slow and steady. The Iraqi army could take as much as another half-year to capture Mosul. Syria is such a labyrinth of blood and tears that no one is clear whether it will ever find an exit. The real question is whether the defeat of the Islamic State will only provide a permanent reprieve from Euro-terror.

Most of the leading experts on the Islamic State argue that the group, like its forerunner al-Qaeda in Iraq, arose because of the chaos that beset the region. Military defeat alone will not resolve that underlying problem and could pave the way for another terroristi­c body to arise some years later. Islamic State officials already speak of plans to disappear into the rural areas of West Asia and hide among their Sunni allies until the internatio­nal community is distracted.

In any case, the jihad narrative also rallies its fighters on a sense of Islam under threat. There is no shortage of tales to maintain that mythology. The Turk who assassinat­ed a Russian ambassador raised the most recent source of Sunni anger: Siege of Aleppo.

What is certain is that there is no global leader with the bandwidth to provide longterm therapy to West Asia’s trauma. US president-elect Donald Trump only speaks of more military action. The most powerful European leader, Germany’s Angela Merkel, has suffered her sharpest drops in popular support when she encounters the Arab world — whether through refugees or through terrorists. The Arab world will be left to its own devices. Unfortunat­ely those devices are increasing­ly ones designed to kill, maim and spread fear. p.chaudhuri@hindustant­imes.com

 ??  ?? A sign quoting John F Kennedy's sentence "I am a Berliner" lies in the midst of candles at a makeshift memorial in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin
A sign quoting John F Kennedy's sentence "I am a Berliner" lies in the midst of candles at a makeshift memorial in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, Berlin

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