Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

It is imperative that we fight the climate crisis together

We can no longer be blind to the impending peril of climate change. From reducing the carbon footprint to forcing our government­s to take green initiative­s, climate activism is the need of the hour

- @ShubhraGF (Shubhra Puri is the founder of Gurgaon First, a citizen initiative to promote sustainabi­lity in Gurugram through workshops and research books.)

October is here and there is a familiar nip in the air. But just as we thank our stars that the air quality in September 2019 was far better than that of September 2018, there is also the unfortunat­e news that stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana has already begun. When combined with winter smog, this unrestrain­ed stubble burning plays havoc with pollution levels across the National Capital Region (NCR). There is haze all around and, on bad days, one feels as if one is in a gas chamber. Worst affected are children, senior citizens and those vulnerable to respirator­y allergies.

Recently, at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg fervently appealed to world leaders that it was already very late in fighting “climate change” and that it should have been dealt with on a war footing. Environmen­talists are hoping against hope that her voice is heard. Her urgency is not misplaced. A few glaciers have completely melted, while others, including the Himalayan glaciers, are reducing in size every year. The sea levels are rising, putting those who live close to seashores at risk. A large number of plants and animals have gone extinct or are facing extinction.

The status quo cannot continue anymore. If we do not reduce the unabated burning of coal and fossil fuels and do not stop deforestat­ion, there is every possibilit­y of permanent damage. And while our generation might just scrape through the ill-effects, the next generation will be most certainly and severely be impacted. Thunberg is joined by many young environmen­t warriors around the world, who are demanding that we hand to them an environmen­tally safer world. Gurugram too has seen school children come out on the streets to protest and raise awareness about the city’s environmen­tal issues. Many citizen initiative­s and NGOs too have stepped up their campaigns. But whether this will influence policymake­rs to take a strong stand and stop environmen­tal damage is yet to be seen. How could you and I make a difference? We need to redefine the means and magnitude of developmen­t we are seeking. That will happen by making mindful changes to


our lifestyle to reduce our carbon footprint, like adopting walking and cycling, using more public transport, shifting to solar and energy-efficient appliances, composting our kitchen waste etc. Besides, we could participat­e in awareness drives, join campaigns on climate change and pressurise politician­s to make environmen­tally conscious decisions.

It will require a united effort for the environmen­t. Why would a road be planned in the middle of the bio-diversity park in Gurugram or the Aravalli forest be under constant threat to being reduced to make way for real estate developmen­t? Why would the Aarey Forest in Goregaon, Mumbai, be denuded for a Metro project? Why would coal mining be restarted in Chhattisga­rh, affecting elephant migration and local villagers? Earlier, dense forests have been cut in the Sawantwadi-Dodamarg wildlife corridor in the Konkan belt of the eco-sensitive Western Ghats. There are ample examples of underminin­g our precious forests and cutting them willy-nilly for making roads, real estate developmen­t, industrial projects, mining or plantation of high-yielding crops. Why don’t our policymake­rs get it that a forest razed is a forest lost forever?

We do not need experts to tell us what choices to make. It is plain, commonsens­e and practical wisdom. Mahatma Gandhi understood it well. He was a strong proponent of conserving forests and retaining soil vitality. If we were to follow his concepts of frugality and circular economy, we would have never landed in the mess that we are in today. As we mark this year with his 150th birth anniversar­y celebratio­ns, let us pledge to revive some of his simple philosophi­es on sustainabi­lity to fight climate change.

Finally, let me leave you with one actionable agenda. Haryana goes for its state assembly elections on October 21. Let us chose our leaders wisely. We should choose leaders who understand that we need to care for our environmen­t to safeguard our children’s future.

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