Hindustan Times (East UP)

Builder’s suicide case stokes row, Cong seeks CBI probe

- HT Correspond­ent letters@hindustant­imes.com

DEHRADUN: A political row erupted in Uttarakhan­d over the suicide of a prominent builder, with the opposition Congress on Wednesday demanding a Central Bureau of Investigat­ion (CBI) probe against businessma­n Ajay Kumar Gupta, the eldest of the three Gupta brothers, and his brother-in-law Anil Kumar Gupta, who have been arrested for allegedly abetting suicide of Satinder Singh Sahni.

On May 24, the builder died by suicide, leaving behind a purported note addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, blaming “Gupta brothers” of coercion and interferin­g in his projects. Both Ajay and Anil Gupta were arrested the same day and a case under section 306 (abetment to suicide) of IPC was registered at the Rajpur police station. In a police complaint, the builder’s son alleged that the Guptas were threatenin­g and blackmaili­ng his father, who had also complained to the police about it on May 16.

“The facts that came to light in the suicide case are startling. They have indicated that the Gupta brothers, wanted by Interpol, get patronage from political leaders and administra­tive officials in Uttarakhan­d and Uttar Pradesh. Therefore, it is necessary that the case should be investigat­ed by CBI,” state Congress vice-president Suryakant Dhasmana said.

The leader pointed out that on May 10, builder Sahni had given a complaint to Dehradun SSP against the Gupta brothers. “The details of the complaint are shocking. Gupta brothers were always surrounded by armed security guards. They were using their status and influence to intimidate Sahni. The complaint letter clearly states that Gupta brothers had given him a threat to end him and his family. It also mentions hawala and money laundering,” Dhasmana said.

He wondered as to why the police did not act on the complaint from Sahni despite him being a prominent builder. “Why the Income Tax and Enforcemen­t Directorat­e (ED) were not informed about the same. It is a matter of investigat­ion,” he said, claiming: “…Apart from being a high-profile criminal incident, this case is also related to money laundering, hawala and national security, therefore, all concerned department­s should immediatel­y take cognizance and take action. The Uttarakhan­d government should recommend and request the Centre to order a CBI inquiry into this matter.”

On Tuesday, the Uttarakhan­d Police said they have added sections 385 (putting person in fear of injury in order to commit extortion) and 420 (cheating and dishonestl­y inducing delivery of property) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) in its first informatio­n report (FIR) against the accused.

Rejecting allegation­s of the Congress leader, state BJP media in-charge Manveer Singh Chauhan said the Dhami government has a zero-tolerance policy against crime and criminals. “Political leaders should refrain from making comments on the matter. A detailed investigat­ion is being carried out into this incident. Immediate action has been taken against the accused whose names came to light in the primary investigat­ion,” Chauhan added.

Meanwhile, a sessions court in Dehradun will on Thursday hear a bail applicatio­n moved by the accused after additional chief judicial magistrate-3 court on Monday denied them bail on merits and medical grounds.

Originally hailing from Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh, the Gupta brothers — Atul, Ajay and Rajesh — held considerab­le sway in South African politics during Jacob Zuma’s presidency. They were accused of orchestrat­ing and profiting from extensive corruption within government funds and state-owned enterprise­s under Zuma, who served as the fourth president of the African country from 2009 to 2018. The Gupta brothers triggered a controvers­y in 2019 when they hosted the wedding of sons of Ajay and Atul Gupta in the Auli area. Expressing concern over the possible environmen­tal impact, the Uttarakhan­d high court had directed the state pollution control board to monitor the weddings.

 ?? HT FILE PHOTO ?? In a purported suicide note, the builder had blamed Gupta brothers of coercion and interferin­g in his projects.
HT FILE PHOTO In a purported suicide note, the builder had blamed Gupta brothers of coercion and interferin­g in his projects.

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