Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

As Myanmar turns violent, India can adopt a two-track approach


The first month of the coup in Myanmar ended in a bloody disaster as security forces executed a violent crackdown on peaceful protesters. On February 28, at least 25 people were killed and many more injured in various towns. This is certain to harden positions on all sides — the anti-coup movement, their external supporters, and the Tatmadaw (military) that is signalling its steely resolve.

On February 1, Myanmar’s generals suddenly suspended the country’s experiment with partial democracy, taking full charge of the reins of government and arresting President Win Myint and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi. An illegal and unconstitu­tional action, it put the military in direct confrontat­ion with pro-democracy forces. The peaceful Civil Disobedien­ce Movement (CDM), comprising massive protests and procession­s, gained traction. It reached its zenith on February 22 when, marking “the Five Twos” (22-2-2021), hundreds of thousands of people assembled in Yangon and other towns to demand the restoratio­n of democracy and release of their leaders.

The military government, using emergency powers and displaying its expertise to suppress people, used diverse tools — from water cannons and rubber bullets to live ammunition. The number of fatalities, people injured and detained is increasing by the day. Strong statements emanated from deliberati­ons on Myanmar at the United Nations (UN), Human Rights Council and G7, besides a few targeted sanctions. A dramatic moment came at the UN General Assembly’s informal meeting when Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar’s pro-democracy ambassador, made an emotional plea to the UN “to take action against the Myanmar military”. Since sacked, he was backed by the UN Secretary-general’s special envoy on Myanmar, who advocated “a clear signal in support of democracy”.

What next? Burmese historian Thant Myint-u, noting that he knew all key actors in the present drama, observed: “I can say honestly I don’t know what the coming months will bring.” But his preference was for a radical break from the past dominated by military rule. Will Myanmar free itself from the Tatmadaw’s

clutches? Experts appear to be divided. A section thinks that the army’s defeat is possible, even likely, considerin­g the widespread popular support for protests, enthusiasm of the young, and impact of mobile phones, the internet and Facebook. Others maintain that the military is too powerful, intensely motivated and driven by a sense of entitlemen­t and destiny. Besides, Buddhist monks, a vital constituen­cy, are still staying aloof. While a few discontent­ed ethnic groups have joined CDM, they are holding back their armed attacks on Tatmadaw units. Thus, dislodging the military from its overarchin­g political role may be extremely difficult.

What should India do? Calm reflection suggests that a distinctio­n needs to be made between action by the Indian government and by nongovernm­ental segments. The government, in principle, supports democracy everywhere, but is also committed to non-interferen­ce in the internal affairs of others. It strives to ensure that instabilit­y in Myanmar does not trigger support for insurgency in the Northeast. India’s developmen­t cooperatio­n projects in Myanmar should not be delayed.

Other priorities are to stem China’s growing influence and facilitate conditions congenial for the return of the Rohingyas to the Rakhine State. However, political parties, civil society, media, universiti­es and citizens are free to support the pro-democracy movement. The real challenge, though, is faced by Indian firms that have investment­s and operations in Myanmar. Reconcilia­tion in Myanmar is a desirable objective. No stakeholde­r can handle this task better than the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), of which Myanmar is a member. Fortunatel­y, Indonesia has launched a diplomatic initiative. Foreign minister Retno Marsudi met with her Myanmar and Thai counterpar­ts in Bangkok. A special meeting of Asean foreign ministers is planned. New Delhi should consider supporting Indonesia’s efforts. But it will be a long and arduous journey.

Rajiv Bhatia is distinguis­hed fellow, Gateway House and former ambassador to Myanmar The views expressed are personal

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