Hindustan Times (Chandigarh)

Tea bag caution


restored to them safely. Lo and behold! He alighted from the car and began raising slogans against yours truly and the Haryana Police. On my return, I kept recalling what my ustad ji had told me.

Once in Ambala, I was travelling in my private car with my family. There was a security officer with me in civvies. At a crossing, I saw a speeding truck hit an old man. I stopped the car and rescued the injured man.

My security officer shouted out if anyone around was known to the elderly man. A boy of 13 years reached the car and said that his grandfathe­r was injured. The boy had just arrived on the scene and hadn’t seen the accident.

We drove straight to the hospital where the elderly man was declared brought dead. I offered ₹200 to the boy for taking his grandfathe­r’s body back home, but he refused to accept the money. Instead, he began crying and accused me of having caused the death of his grandfathe­r. I had a hard time convincing the child. The truck was impounded. Again, I was reminded of my ustad’s words of wisdom.

While receiving a high court judge in my district, the sessions judge introduced me to him saying, “My lord! Deswal is a journalist-turned-cop.” The incumbent judge remarked, “A dangerous combinatio­n.” Now, recalling my ustad ji I ask myself, what if I tell someone that I am a lawyer too?

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