Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

Focus on your duty and the rewards will arrive

- Biraj Patnaik is Amnesty Internatio­nal’s South Asia director The views expressed are personal Shilpi Singh Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers. The views expressed are personal

Life seems difficult when one loses purpose. Norman Mailer once said, “I don’t think life is absurd. I think we are all here for a huge purpose. I think we shrink from the immensity of the purpose we are here for.” The perspectiv­e of this novelist helps us look at our own lives to evaluate how we feel about the quality of life we are living. Most people between the age group of 19 to 35 are considered to be most stressed throughout the world. The reasons can be many but the one that none of us can afford to overlook is that the young and the restless are retreating from their purpose of life.

The pace with which markets, business houses, in short the world is moving is unimaginab­ly fast. In such a scenario, it becomes difficult to sit and take a deep breath to figure out where and in what direction is life moving. After realising this truth, the only question one ponders is: What is the way out? This recurring question leads one to search for answers in movies and books.

This is the time when the verse from theBh ag vadG it a“k ar many ah iv ad hi kara stem a fa leshuka dachana” proves practical. This is the time when along with our work we also search for happiness. This very verse seems above all the conflicts, philosophi­es, disputes and is feasible to practice in our daily lives. Let all of us work honestly without anticipati­ng its results; instead one should love the work that we are entrusted with. It will give an answer to the question that your inner voice is asking and guide you towards making the best of all worlds.

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