Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

Facing the nine dashed line

The Hague ruling will prompt China to redouble its efforts to protect sea lanes in the Indian Ocean, writes SHASHANK JOSHI

- Shashank Joshi is senior research fellow, Royal United Services Institute The views expressed are personal

In 2010, Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi famously declared, as he glowered at his Singapore counterpar­t, that “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that’s just a fact”. But small countries can draw upon weapons of the weak. On Tuesday, July 12, as part of a case brought by the Philippine­s, the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n in The Hague issued a remarkable, wide-ranging, and stinging rebuke of China’s exercise of power in the South China Sea. The implicatio­ns for Asia’s maritime disputes, US-China tensions, and India’s approach to the region could be serious and far-reaching.

The South China Sea is not a new dispute. In the 1980s, for instance, Vietnam lost around 60 sailors in a clash with China. But in the six years after Yang’s blunt observatio­n, China establishe­d a series of new and significan­t facts on the ground — or, more precisely, in the water. It constructe­d artificial islands at breakneck speed, placed missile batteries and radar facilities on others, and declared a provocativ­e Air Defence Identifica­tion Zone (ADIZ) in the nearby East China Sea. American warships responded by pointedly ignoring Chinese claims and sailing right up to Chinese-claimed areas, in so-called freedom of navigation operations. In June 2012, a standoff between the Philippine­s and China culminated in Chinese forces taking control of Scarboroug­h Shoal in the north part of the South China Sea. The next year, Manila brought a broad case against China under the United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to which both are signatorie­s. China angrily rejected its jurisdicti­on, but it was taken up regardless by a tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n.

That tribunal’s ruling is a landmark. It found against China on every important point, but on three in particular. First, it shattered the validity of China’s infamous ‘nine-dash line’, according to which Beijing claims 85% of the South China Sea. “There was no evidence that China had historito cally exercised exclusive control over the waters or their resources”, noted the judges, and the line was “contrary to the Convention and without lawful effect”. This in itself is a serious blow to decades of Chinese diplomacy, given that the line first appeared (with eleven dashes) in 1947. Second, the tribunal says that key features claimed by China are not naturally habitable, and therefore cannot generate a 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This de-legitimise­s many of China’s artificial islands in those supposed EEZs, undercuts its demands as to what foreign warships can and can’t do in those areas, and erodes its claim to natural resources discovered in the future. Third, the tribunal reprimands not just China’s claims, but also its behaviour. China violated the Philippine­s’ rights by interferin­g with fishing and oil exploratio­n, it created a “serious risk of collision” in doing so, knowingly caused “irreparabl­e harm to the marine environmen­t, and has aggravated the dispute by building new islands”.

China had declared it would ignore the verdict, and so it has. The state news agency Xinhua tweeted abuse at the “law-abusing tribunal” and its “ill-founded award”. It is unenforcea­ble, short of starting a war with Asia’s largest power. There will be no sanctions. But there are important consequenc­es. Xi Jinping has staked national pride in the South China Sea, and will face domestic pressure to respond a legal humiliatio­n. This could take the form of vitriolic, if harmless, rhetoric. But it could be something more threatenin­g, such as fresh military deployment­s or even direct confrontat­ion with the Philippine­s. The United States is right to have pre-emptively deployed a second aircraft carrier in the region. The ruling, and its categorica­l rejection by Beijing, will also reinforce the widespread sense, in the West and within Asia, that China is taking a cavalier approach to internatio­nal law and, more broadly, the nebulous idea of the rules-based internatio­nal order. Whether these perception­s are right or wrong — and there is surely some irony in the fact the US has not ratified UNCLOS, the very convention at stake here — it will contribute to the geopolitic­al balancing against China that we see amongst Asia’s largest powers, notably Japan, Vietnam, and India.

India has become increasing­ly engaged on the South China Sea over the past two years, sending four warships there for a months-long deployment in May. The award comes at an awkward moment in Sino-Indian relations, in the aftermath of India’s foiled bid for membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. Beijing’s rejectioni­sm also stands in obvious contrast to New Delhi’s dignified acceptance of its defeat to Bangladesh at the hands of the same Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n in 2014. The distinctio­n, and what it says about the nature of each country’s rise, will not be lost on smaller Asian countries balancing their relations with India and China. India will also have to consider the implicatio­ns for its near seas. Not only is China’s uncompromi­sing approach a possible indication of its broader behaviour, but intensifie­d US-China competitio­n in the western Pacific, far from tying down Chinese forces, may well induce China to redouble its efforts to protect sea lanes in the Indian Ocean.


 ?? NYT ?? China is said to be considerin­g plans to build Scarboroug­h Shoal into an island as part of its efforts to strengthen its claim of sovereignt­y over the South China Sea
NYT China is said to be considerin­g plans to build Scarboroug­h Shoal into an island as part of its efforts to strengthen its claim of sovereignt­y over the South China Sea

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