Hindustan Times (Bathinda)

The adversitie­s we face give a perspectiv­e to life

- Sant Rajinder Singh ( Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers The views expressed are personal) innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

Life is filled with many adversitie­s. We struggle with health problems, financial problems, relationsh­ip problems, and emotional problems. We wonder why god does not grant us a life of ease, free of burdens.

If people were too happy and comfortabl­e in their physical existence, they would never seek god. Most people turn to god only in times of trouble. When they are faced with intolerabl­e pain, an incurable illness, a devastatin­g loss, or a financial disaster, they find that life is not great. All the comfort they may have previously experience­d is converted into a sense of darkness and doom. It is during these times of pain and crises that we begin to wonder if life is as good as we thought. We start to wonder if there is more to life. We begin to question if there is a god, and what the purpose of this life is.

Adversity turns our face to god. Suffering has the value of turning our attention to the lord. When things become rough, it causes us to question what life is about and we begin to search for answers.

Saints and spiritual masters have spoken of gifts that we may be given to turn us to god. When we are rich and living in the lap of luxury, we do not think about god. But when we lose all that we own, our stocks drop, or we lose our home, we begin to think about god. Another is the gift of ignominy. When we have name and fame, and people respect and praise us, we are happy and do not think about god. But when the tides turn and we are slandered, criticised, we turn to god for help.

If faced with adversity from which it seems there is no relief, we should take it as a gift from god to remind us that this world is not our true home.

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