Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

PAGD wins in Anantnag

So far, PAGD has won in four districts, Apni Party in 2 districts, PC and Independen­ts in one district each

- Mir Ehsan mir.ehsan@htlive.com

SRINAGAR: The People’s Alliance for Gupkar Declaratio­n (PAGD) won the election for the post of chairperso­n and deputy chairperso­n of the district developmen­t council (DDC) in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district on Thursday.

National Conference’s Yusuf Gorsi was elected as chairperso­n while People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP’s) Javeed Ahmad, an advocate, was elected deputy chairperso­n. Fourteen elected members had participat­ed in the polls.

So far, PAGD, which is an amalgam of parties seeking restoratio­n of the special status of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, has won in four districts — Kulgam, Pulwama, Ganderbal and Anantnag.

The newly formed Apni Party led by Altaf Bukhari has won in two districts —Shopian and Srinagar, while Sajjad Lone’s People’s Conference, which recently parted ways from the PAGD, won from north Kashmir’s Kupwara district. Independen­t candidates had won in Budgam.

Polls of DDC chairperso­n and deputy chairperso­n for Baramulla and Bandipore will be held on Saturday. Elections in Baramulla were postponed on February 8 after PAGD members did not turn up for the voting.

Earlier, the NC had termed polls for chairperso­n in Shopian and Srinagar ‘a mockery of the system’.

“Shopian DDC election, even Srinagar for that matter, aren’t really a surprise. These people have been buying & selling elected representa­tives since 1984. Practice makes perfect!,” NC vice president Omar Abdullah had tweeted soon after the results were declared.


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