Hindustan Times (Amritsar)


- KARAN THAPAR Karan Thapar is author of Devils Advocate: The Untold Story The views expressed are personal

In India, the walls of government offices carry framed photograph­s of the president and prime minister. In Britain, it’s the Queen. I’d like to suggest an important addition: Caesar’s wife. It doesn’t matter that he had three. Anyone of them will do. For the saying she needs to be above suspicion applies to all of them. And her presence staring down on our officials would be a welcome reminder that fulfilment of the same principle is also expected of them. If anything, even more so in a time of the coronaviru­s.

In a nutshell, that’s why I’m disturbed by the action taken by the ministry of corporate affairs against the Gymkhana Club in Delhi. More than three years ago, the ministry received a complaint against the club alleging misconduct and mismanagem­ent, particular­ly in connection with the admission of new members. It was filed by seven club members, including a former president. For almost 1,000 days, the ministry did nothing.

Then, shortly after the lockdown was declared, it moved a petition before the National Company Law Tribunal seeking to take over management of the club and replace its general committee with new administra­tors appointed by the government.

Now, this is not a matter of national priority or even of particular urgency. Yet, the ministry deliberate­ly chose to act during the lockdown when the club is closed and the present management cannot access its records. Was the aim to place the club at a disadvanta­ge and effectivel­y take it over? That’s the suspicion most club members find hard to dispel. And this is why Caesar’s wife comes to mind.

Beyond the technical rights and wrongs of the government’s decision is the niggling doubt — for some, in fact, it’s a conviction — the government has deliberate­ly chosen this moment to alter the character of this 107-year-old institutio­n which has become the symbol of values and traditions it does not approve of. And what are they? A liberal lifestyle that enjoys drinking in convivial company, the right to express oneself freely including in criticism of government­s, to maintain an arm’s length from all politician­s and the right to choose who you want to admit.

None of what I’ve written is to suggest the club has done no wrong. Indeed, there are no institutio­ns in India of which that could be said. Least of all our government­s and the officials who staff them. So, how could a club that’s a century-old be faultless? But a just government would not only seek to remedy and rectify but do so in a fair and transparen­t way. This is where the ministry of corporate affairs has gone horribly wrong.

If the aim is to cleanse the club, isn’t that best done by self-cleansing? Rather than seeking to take over its management and appoint new administra­tors of its choice, shouldn’t the ministry have requested the club itself to change its management by holding fresh elections in which the incumbent members of the general committee are free to contest alongside others who wish to replace them?

The Gymkhana Club is an institutio­n that deserves to be protected and preserved. Its character and culture were not created in a day. They took decades to mould. And they’re widely recognised as special. That’s why so many want to join and are willing to pay a king’s ransom to do so. They come from the armed forces and civil services but also profession­s like journalism, law, chartered accountanc­y and business. They’re salaried profession­als but the most active members are often pensioners. For them, the club is a sanctuary. An oasis in the sprawling desert that retirement has cast them into. Only an unthinking government could take it away from them.

Of course, the club needs to be corrected and improved. Which institutio­n in India does not? But in government hands, it’s more likely to be ruined. If Calpurnia’s picture could speak, that’s what I’d like to believe she would say.

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Members are from the forces and civil services but also journalism, business, chartered accountanc­y and law
MINT ■ Members are from the forces and civil services but also journalism, business, chartered accountanc­y and law

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