Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

Iraq could emerge as a model modern Arab state

Baghdad must adhere to its democratic, non-sectarian ways to inspire West Asia


The Iraqi city of Mosul this week celebrates its first Eid free of the oppressive rule of the Islamic State (IS) in three years. IS announced its existence from ramparts of the 600-year-old Grand al Nusri mosque in Mosul. In keeping with the IS’ nihilistic tendencies, its retreating fighters blew up the famous leaning minaret of the mosque. Kurdish troops have begun a similar process of driving out IS from its present capital of Raqqa, across the border in Syria. IS is now a shadow of its former self, and few doubt, including the self-styled caliphate’s leadership, that the endgame is well under progress.

These developmen­ts would hopefully lead West Asia and, in particular, the Arab world to contemplat­e what lessons they can draw from IS’ short but brutal life. The Iraqi government should remember that IS fighters were initially welcomed with open arms by the Sunni inhabitant­s of Mosul because of their anger at the corrupt, pro-Shia regime of the then prime minister Nouri al-Maliki. The present ruler has shown himself to be less sectarian in his policies, but addressing the sensibilit­ies of Iraq’s Sunni Arab and Kurdish minorities will determine whether IS will not reappear in a new avatar. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is an expert on transporta­tion and connectivi­ty, both political and economic, should be what the policies of a post-IS Iraq should be about.

Christian Europe underwent nearly a century of slaughter before it accepted the concepts of modern secularism. The Arab Islamic world need not follow that path. But the past dichotomy of secular dictators and religious monarchies has shown itself to be a failure. Of all the countries coming out of the present round of violence and political instabilit­y, Iraq is probably the only one that could emerge as the model for a new modern Arab state – democratic, republican, federal and non-sectarian – that West Asia needs for its future.

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