Hindustan Times (Amritsar)

Distance education degree hurdle for over 1,000 Punjab teachers

- Surender Sharma ■ surender.sharma@hindustant­imes.com


CHANDIGARH: The University Grants Commission (UGC) has told the Punjab and Haryana high court that degrees awarded to students under the distance education programme, examinatio­n for which are conducted by the university outside its territoria­l jurisdicti­on without the UGC permission, is illegal.

The UGC’s response came in a case wherein around 1,000 teachers of Punjab with such degrees were denied promotions by the government. The affected teachers had moved court in July.

The UGC referred to its communicat­ions to the universiti­es in the past issued under the UGC (Establishm­ent of and Maintenanc­e of Standards in Private Universiti­es) Regulation­s, 2003, and submitted that the postgradua­te degrees awarded by the universiti­es at centres outside their territoria­l jurisdicti­on are illegal.

The high court bench of justice Jaswant Singh, however, differed from UGC and observed that regulation­s did not point towards restrainin­g/prohibitin­g state universiti­es from imparting degrees through distant education mode for courses recognised by the commission, examinatio­ns for which were held outside their territoria­l jurisdicti­on.

“...What was prohibited was commercial­isation of education through outsourcin­g by establishi­ng the study centres or franchises outside the territoria­l jurisdicti­on of the universiti­es concerned,” the high court bench said, adding It was for the first time a specific stand had been taken by a university in a July 2016 communicat­ion.

The high court has now sought fresh reply from the UGC, preferably through its secretary, asking him to indicate rules and regulation­s, if any, requiring the universiti­es to seek prior approval from the UGC for establishi­ng exam centres outside state. The high court has also issued notice to Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Annamalai University and Madu Rai Kamraj University, Tamil Nadu, from whom such degrees were obtained by teachers, by August 10.

A bunch of petitions were filed by affected teachers stating that their juniors have been promoted to lecturers in their respective streams of mathematic­s and commerce by ignoring their claims on the ground that they have obtained their postgradua­te degrees through distant mode with exam centres outside the state. Following the petitions, the high court had stayed 2,200 promotions of teachers in Punjab government schools. The government notificati­on on promotions was stayed on July 14.

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