
Rush to disaster

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The Modi regime’s move to restructur­e apex-level managerial positions

in the Indian Railways by merging diverse categories into a single service, underminin­g specialisa­tion, is apparently aimed at facilitati­ng

the wholesale privatisat­ion of rail services.

THE Modi government’s reputation for using the shock-and-awe tactic to give the impression that it is doing something, anything at all, to address grave and mounting problems on multiple fronts is now well known. Demonetisa­tion is the classic example, but the same tactic is now evident in the government’s response to crises in several sectors. Faced with the calamitous situation in public sector banks, driven to the brink by truant borrowers, it waved the magic wand of merging several of them in an obvious exercise in futility; still later, when the economic slowdown was fast moving towards a full-blown recession, it waived taxes for large corporates, a move that did nothing to bring the economy back from the brink. The latest recipient of this therapy has been the Indian Railways, India’s biggest enterprise by far, whose performanc­e, simply by virtue of its size and scale, has the potential to provide the stimulus that is so badly being sought. Instead, on December 24, Union Minister of Railways Piyush Goyal announced an “organisati­onal transforma­tion” of the enterprise, which sent shock waves through the managerial cadre that runs it and those who understand the repercussi­ons.

Goyal announced a complete overhaul of the Railway Board, the apex board that governs the Railways. He presented this as an imperative for building the Railways as a “unified” and “agile” organisati­on that is prepared to take on the “challenges” ahead. Missing in this was any reference to the government’s track record in addressing the multiple challenges arising from the

gross underinves­tment in the critical sector in the Modi years. The announceme­nt was significan­t for two reasons: one, a complete overhaul of the Railway Board, and two, a drastic overhaul of the Railways’ senior managerial cadre, most of whom are recruited through examinatio­ns conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), the agency that recruits the creme de la creme of the Indian bureaucrac­y. The bombshell came with Goyal’s announceme­nt that the existing eight streams of recruitmen­t of Group A officers in the Railways, technical and nontechnic­al, would be merged into a “unified” cadre, to be called the Indian Railways Management Service. Goyal justified the move by referring vaguely to the culture of “department­alism” in the Railways with officers working in “silos”. The announceme­nt set off a firestorm of protests from officers across the country.

Railway officers from the civil services stream, numbering about 2,500 of the 8,400 Group A officers in the Railways from across the country, submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister, the Railway Minister and several top bureaucrat­s opposing the move. More than 40,000 postcards were sent by officers and staff from across the country appealing to the government to rescind the move. Their immediate concern was what would happen to their career progressio­n paths in a “unified” system. A senior officer from the eastern region, an Iittrained engineer who joined the civil side (not as an engineer) of the Railways about 15 years ago after clearing the UPSC exam, told Frontline that in a system of time-bound promotions, civil-side officers would suffer. “Those joining the technical services normally do so after obtaining their engineerin­g degree, but those on the non-technical side are four or five years older when they join,” he said. This would place the latter class of officers at a disadvanta­ge when their promotions are due in the new regime, if it is applied with retrospect­ive effect, he argued.

Goyal claimed that the decision to “restructur­e” the Board was taken after a conclave of more than 1,200 officers was organised in December. However, an officer told Frontline that this was “a sham” because only 12 select General Managers, all from the engineerin­g side, were allowed to speak at the conclave. This meant that a significan­t number of the managers were prevented from voicing their views. “How can this be called a consultati­ve exercise when disagreeme­nts and apprehensi­ons are not even allowed to be articulate­d?” asked the officer.

The Indian Railway Traffic Service Officers’ Associatio­n pointed out in a separate memorandum submitted to the Prime Minister that the move would discourage specialisa­tion in the Railways, which would have adverse consequenc­es for rail safety and organisati­onal efficiency. It pointed out that a unified service would “compromise the system of checks and balances” that is inherent in the existing system. As a result, the scope for independen­t appraisal of demand projection­s, operationa­l feasibilit­y and financial viability of projects, all of which have huge financial implicatio­ns, would be seriously compromise­d.


V.K. Agarwal, a civil engineer who has had the longest stint as Chairman of the Railway Board since 1970 (between 1997 and 2000), in a 14page note, dated January 14, to the Prime Minister, the Railway Minister and several top bureaucrat­s, pointed out that the daily operations of the Railways were akin to the armed forces operating during wartime, particular­ly in terms of the complexity of their operations. The Railways carry 2.3 crore passengers and 3.2 million tonnes of goods every day and employ more than 12 lakh personnel, all this on a nationwide basis, which implies that the expertise to handle this level of complexity simply does not exist in any other field. Agarwal cited the experience of the United Kingdom, where the government had to make a safety grant of one billion pounds to the privatised entity that bought British Rail, to make the point that privatisat­ion may not be as rosy as it is made out to be.

There have also been suggestion­s that the Railways need to engage experts from the private sector as consultant­s in order to improve efficiency. This innocent prescripti­on is completely off the mark in the case of the Railways. The skills learnt in the Railways’ environmen­t are not available elsewhere for two reasons. One, there is simply no technical educationa­l institutio­n (let alone a university specialisi­ng in railway studies, as is the case in China) to supply these specialise­d skills. Two,

the Railways ensure training in multiple skills. This is proved by the fact that every metro rail project in the country has recruited personnel from the Railways; they simply are not available elsewhere.

Attempts to “streamline” the Railways bureaucrac­y have been made in the past, at least from the 1990s. Most notably, the Prakash Tandon Committee made this suggestion in 1994. Another internal committee report of the Railways, which has not made its way into the public domain, is available with Frontline. Authored by two former Chairmen of the Railway Board, J.P. Gupta and Prakash Narain, it expresses a firm objection to the “merger” of the officer cadre in the Indian Railways. The 1994 report, titled “Rationalis­ation of Management services on Indian Railways (1994)”, made several observatio­ns that debunk the logic of Goyal’s latest move. It pointed out that the UPSC would need to give a “combined merit position-wise list” for candidates taking different examinatio­ns in the relevant discipline­s. However, it pointed out that the UPSC, for obvious reasons, would not be able to do this “with retrospect­ive effect”. “Profession­alism should never be put at a discount. Rather it should be further strengthen­ed,” the committee observed in its report submitted to the then Railway Minister Jaffer Sharief. “Any arrangemen­t which leads to the wholesale obliterati­on of the specialise­d functional streams would have disastrous consequenc­es affecting the efficiency of the Railways and the safety of operations and human lives,” it asserted. Frontline has unearthed a response from the UPSC to the Railway Ministry dated March 13, 1995, which addresses the cadre merger issue. Significan­tly, the arguments used in it correspond to the objections raised by the Guptanarai­n Committee, confirming that the UPSC’S views remain time-agnostic.

What could be the motive of the Goyal exercise, especially when it is clear that the “merger” of officer cadre is bereft of any rationale? The argument that this would save the cadre from the scourge of “department­alism”

or of operating in silos does not make any sense because anyone with a basic understand­ing of any large enterprise—public or private—knows that “rivalries” within department­s are a fact of everyday business life. But the ability to engage in a “rivalry” is exclusive to those who wield power. After all, a foreman in a shop floor hardly has the agency to engage with rivals, whereas a company director has the wherewitha­l to do so. Thus, rivalry, by definition, has meaningful consequenc­es only at the upper echelons of an enterprise. Then why upset an entire chain of command in order to rein in a few at the top who engage in turf wars? Tellingly, by implicatio­n, this also means that Goyal has not been successful in running his Ministry.

The reconstitu­tion of the Railway Board has ominous implicatio­ns, considerin­g the direction in which the Railways are proceeding under the Modi regime. In keeping with the new-found zeal to “corporatis­e” the Railways, the Chairman of the Railway Board will be redesignat­ed as Chairman and CEO, while the strength of the Board will be halved from the current eight (apart from the Chairman); each member will be responsibl­e for specified functions. Significan­tly, the Board will not have a dedicated member attending to staff functions, as has been the practice. This is curious given the size of the workforce (about two-thirds of all expenditur­e is on staff). The sting in the tail lies in the proposal to induct “distinguis­hed” “independen­t” experts from various fields who have experience of over 30 years in their areas. The fear that this would open the revolving door to those from private industry looking to promote vested interests from within the Railways is not an idle one.


The Modi government’s track record shows that it is willing to recklessly proceed on the road to privatisat­ion. Each of its initiative­s has been controvers­ial, reflecting the regime’s egregious disregard for due process. Take the case of the decision to hand

over 150 passenger trains to private operators. Questions abound about the terms on which these operations have been handed over. A senior Railway officer told Frontline that the profit margin in running the trains, with unbridled fares, would be at least 100 per cent more than what the Railways charge passengers. What are the terms on which the private operators are allowed to run these trains and profit from using assets—tracks, stations, signalling—that belong to the Railways? Since the private operators are supposed to guarantee time schedules to prospectiv­e passengers, how much of their own traffic would the Railways need to vacate from tracks in order to ensure priority to private operators? And, what would be the magnitude of the losses to the Railways’ revenues as a result?

Moreover, many of these private trains will run on the most congested sectors of the railway network. A Railway officer of the Traffic Services cadre told Frontline that dozens of trains run by the Railways have been cancelled in the last three months on the congested Allahabad section because of fog. “The running of private trains along such routes would result in the Railways leaving its own passengers stranded in order to accommodat­e privately run trains,” he said.

The initial public offer (IPO) of the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporatio­n (IRCTC) made last year was portrayed in the media as a runaway success. In reality, the government incurred significan­t losses because the share was priced too low. A source in the Railways told Frontline that the Railways had twice suggested a much higher floor price; on both occasions these were shot down by the Finance Ministry, which felt that there might be no takers at a higher price. The floor price was set at Rs.320 per share, but on the day of listing it opened at Rs.644, a 100 per cent increase on its debut. In less than two weeks, the stock price trebled, and on February 5, it reached a peak of Rs.1,547.80, a fivefold increase in less than four months. The issue was oversubscr­ibed 112 times in an overall weak market. The primary beneficiar­ies of this ill-fated float were institutio­nal and foreign investors and mutual funds. The IRCTC not only has a monopoly in ticketing and catering but also sits on a gold mine of data that in the hands of private control opens up the possibilit­y of data abuse. Following the Union Budget, on February 5, the IRCTC share peaked at Rs.1,547.80, clearly buoyed by the “animal spirits” awakened by the Finance Minister’s desperate resolve to sell national assets at any cost.

Yet more sales are in store. The Container Corporatio­n of India (CONCOR), a monopoly in rail transporta­tion of containers, is now up for strategic sale. It not only moves containers but operates terminals and warehouses. That is, it offers end-to-end solutions in business parlance.

Railway sources told Frontline that Adani and Reliance, among others, are eyeing the sale. Yet more questions about the propriety of the sale abound. Why would the government want to sell a strategic logistics asset, especially when it has a commanding presence in the sector? More critically, CONCOR’S presence enables the government to keep tariffs in check; once it loses its current status, tariffs will surely increase. If and when that happens, the government will lose all leverage in ensuring control on logistics costs, which surely has a critical bearing in India’s competitiv­eness in world markets. The government plans to give the “strategic” buyer of CONCOR complete control with a stake sale of 36 per cent of the company. Significan­tly,

the private buyer would be able to start operations with a profit margin of at least 30 per cent, which the Railways now make from the business but which they use for crosssubsi­dising other operations. The icing on the cake would be the Rs.40,000 crore worth of government land that CONCOR holds.

A similar fate awaits the Centre for Railway Informatio­n Systems (CRIS), which currently designs, develops and implements the critical informatio­n systems in the Railways. In an outrageous move, the CRIS is to be merged with Railtel, the broadband and Virtual Private Network service provider to the Indian Railways, before the latter is listed. This is obviously being done with the intention of increasing the market value of the Railtel sale. Apart from the questionab­le nature of the deal, the sale of the entity to private players raises worries about the possibilit­y of the huge volume of data—2-3 terabytes per minute—being mined and opened to abuse in private hands.

What explains the bizarre proposal to “merge” officer cadre in the Railways? Indeed, the idea seems so fraught with pitfalls that there is a possibilit­y that it may be given up later. A source in the Railways said that the idea was already being reconsider­ed at the highest levels. Or, the proposal may be used to ensure that dissent in the officer cadre, especially to the privatisat­ion agenda, is quelled by using this as a threat.

It is evident that the Modi government’s move to “restructur­e” the apex levels of the managerial cadre in the Railways is driven by its desire to purge dissenters within existing structures. Its reckless pursuit of privatisat­ion, without any pretence of due process, would be made possible with the entry of private honchos into the Railways at their apex. The former Railway Board member cited earlier told Frontline that the aggressive pursuit of privatisat­ion threatened to reduce the Railways to the status of a “glorified contractor”. “Act first, think later, seems to be the motto in government these days,” he quipped. $

 ??  ?? V. SRIDHAR
THE LUCKNOW-DELHI Tejas Express, India’s first “private” train, run by the IRCTC, when it was flagged off at Lucknow’s Charbagh station on October 4, 2019.
V. SRIDHAR THE LUCKNOW-DELHI Tejas Express, India’s first “private” train, run by the IRCTC, when it was flagged off at Lucknow’s Charbagh station on October 4, 2019.
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 ??  ?? RAILWAY MINISTER Piyush Goyal.
 ??  ?? RAILWAY EMPLOYEES staging a protest against the moves to privatise railway services, at a station in Vijayawada on July 29, 2019.
RAILWAY EMPLOYEES staging a protest against the moves to privatise railway services, at a station in Vijayawada on July 29, 2019.

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