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Dozens sentenced to life in mass trial in UAE


DUBAI: A mass trial in the United Arab Emirates of dissidents that has faced widespread criticism abroad ended Wednesday with dozens of people sentenced to life in prison, activists said.

The UAE did not immediatel­y acknowledg­e the sentences and government officials did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment. However, sentences had been expected to be issued in court on Wednesday in a case that drew attention and protests at the United Nations COP28 climate talks in Dubai in November, activists said. Human Rights Watch said at least 40 of the over 80 defendants received life sentences. Four others received shorter prison terms. It did not know the sentences of all of the prisoners.

“These over-the-top long sentences make a mockery of justice and are another nail in the coffin for the UAE’s nascent civil society,” said Joey Shea, a researcher focusing on the UAE for Human Rights Watch. “The UAE has dragged scores of its most dedicated human rights defenders and civil society members through a shamelessl­y unfair trial riddled with due process violations and torture allegation­s.” The Emirates Detainees Advocacy Center, a group run by an Emirati who lives in exile in Istanbul, said sentences had been handed down. Amnesty Internatio­nal also criticized the sentences.

Among those who received life sentences is activist Nasser bin Ghaith, an academic held since August 2015 over his social media posts, Shea said. He was among dozens of people sentenced in the wake of a wide-ranging crackdown in the UAE following the 2011 Arab Spring protests. Those demonstrat­ions saw Islamists rise to power in several Mideast nations, though the Gulf Arab states did not experience any popular overthrow of their government­s.

40 of the over 80 defendants received life sentences. Four others received shorter prison terms

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