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Tangedco releases new SOP to expedite processing of EHT applicatio­ns


CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Generation and Distributi­on Corporatio­n (Tangedco) has instructed field officers not to delay the approval process of applicatio­ns for the extra high-tension (EHT) connection­s, as it would ensure early revenue realisatio­n for Tangedco.

Tangedco’s circular comes in the wake of multiple complaints from industrial applicants to its headquarte­rs from across the state about the undue delay at the field officer’s end to process the applicatio­ns.

Though feasibilit­y study and estimate preparatio­n are cited as reasons for the abnormal delay in processing EHT applicatio­ns, the technical branch of Tangedco has instructed that the field officials such applicatio­ns should be processed within 3 days and sent to the headquarte­rs for load sanction, administra­tive approval within 30 days from the date of receipt of the applicatio­n.

According to the new SOP, the Chief Engineer of the commercial wing should be notified immediatel­y on receiving an EHT applicatio­n and a joint inspection by superinten­dent engineers should done within three days. “On the fourth day, the technical feasibilit­y report should be submitted to the chief engineer (planning) in the headquarte­rs.

Within the next three days, the chief engineer planning should issue a load flow study report to the chief engineer of the respective region. The transmissi­on team as well as the distributi­on should complete the next steps in the process and send the final proposal to the distributi­on director within 25 days. And the approval should be declared within 5 days,” it said. Tangedco has also issued a detailed flow chart on the entire process to be followed for the speedy disposal of high-revenue potential applicatio­ns.

Circular comes in the wake of multiple complaints on delays from industrial applicants

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