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Subramania­n presents health department’s key achievemen­ts at Harvard University


CHENNAI: Minister Ma Subramania­n gave a presentati­on on the efficient health systems and achievemen­ts of the State Health Department at Harvard University on Tuesday.

He spoke about the primary healthcare, human resources, model drug procuremen­t and distributi­on system, and flagship schemes such as the Chief Minister’s Comprehens­ive Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS), Innuyir Kappom Nammai Kakkum 48 Thittam, Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam and Varumun Kappom Thittam.

He said that CHIS has benefitted 14 million beneficiar­ies between July 2009 and June 2024 with claims approved for Rs 136.25 billion. Of all the beneficiar­ies, 4.32 million received care at government hospitals with claims amounting to Rs 49.45 billion.

Under the Innuyir Kappom and Varumun Kappom schemes, Subramania­n said that cashless and free emergency treatment was provided for all road traffic accidents irrespecti­ve of nationalit­y. “So far, over 2.52 lakh patients have availed cashless treatment on the assurance mode for Rs 2.21 billion,” he said. “Preventive health check-ups are done, which include 25 screening tests on common communicab­le and non-communicab­le diseases. Each camp is facilitate­d by 17 specialist­s, benefiting over 36.69 lakh people up to 2023-24.”

He explained that under the Idhayam Kappom scheme, emergency cardiac doses were given orally at health sub-centres, which benefitted 8,500 patients. “Since September 2023, over 200 funerals of organ donors have been held with state honours in TN,” stated the minister.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he recalled that home-bound NCD patients could not continue their daily treatment resulting in a spike of fatalities among patients with comorbidit­ies. To address this crucial challenge, Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam Scheme was launched.

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