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RS Bharathi’s ‘dog’ talk overshadow­s anti-NEET protest


CHENNAI: The protest organised by the DMK students’ wing against NEET was overshadow­ed by the statement of DMK organising secretary RS Bharathi after the latter remarked that even ‘dogs’ secure a BA degree these days.

Speaking at the anti-NEET protest organised by the party’s student wing here, Bharathi said, “Many people are doctors in Tamil Nadu now because of the Communal GO which was pushed by the Dravidian Movement. Many of us have even forgotten that. Some people think that they became doctors due to their ancestral pride.”

Claiming to be speaking freely, Bharathi said, “I am an advocate. So is Ezhil (Students’ wing secretary). Did we earn that through ancestry or family pride? It is the offering of the Dravidian Movement. Without the movement and Communal GO, there would not be so many doctors in TN.”

The DMK organising secretary’s emphasis on the contributi­on of the Dravidian Movement in the social and educationa­l mobility of the masses went well till he said, “In the times I graduated, a board would be placed outside the residence as soon as someone passed BA because there would be only one BA (graduate) in a village. Now, even ‘dogs’ are securing a BA degree.” Wondering if people were placing boards for BA or BE outside their houses, Bharathi asked, “What’s the reason (people don’t keep boards)? Who is responsibl­e for this developmen­t? NEET has come to force only to destroy that developmen­t. I reiterated this in the Rajya Sabha.”

As his innocuous public statement went viral and it was rightly picked up by 24x7 news channels, Bharathi clarified, “It must not be understood out of context. I only said this to reiterate that the Dravidian Movement contribute­d to the access to education for all. The word was not used with any intention.”

It must not be understood out of context. I only said this to reiterate that Dravidian Movement contribute­d to access to education for all

—RS Bharathi,

DMK organising secretary

 ?? ?? DMK leaders participat­ing in ‘No More NEET’ protest organised by the ruling party’s students’ wing in Chennai on Wednesday
DMK leaders participat­ing in ‘No More NEET’ protest organised by the ruling party’s students’ wing in Chennai on Wednesday

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