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Inspect our boats in Kochi too, demand Kumari fishermen


MADURAI: Several fishermen of Kanniyakum­ari district urged the need to inspect their mechanised boats, which set out to sea off Kochi coast of Kerala.

Pressing their demands, Justin Antony, president, Internatio­nal Fishermen Developmen­t Trust (INFIDET) recently met Anitha R Radhakrish­nan, Minister of Fisheries and Fishermen Welfare of Tamil Nadu and requested to conduct the annual inspection of boats of Thoothoor Region at Thengapatt­inam and also at Kochi harbour.

A letter, dated June 7, 2024, was forwarded by the Assistant Director of Fisheries, Colachel to the parish priests, officers of fishermen cooperativ­e societies and fishermen associatio­ns from Melakumpan­ai to Neerodi in Kanniyakum­ari district.

It was stated that the annual inspection for the registered and unregister­ed boats would be conducted on June 19 only at the Thengapatt­inam harbour and no inspection would be conducted in Kerala. It has caused inconvenie­nce to the fishermen.

In the petition, it’s stated that there were more than 600 mechanised boats relying on fishing in the Thoothoor region. Due to ongoing maintenanc­e work in Thengapatt­inam harbour, it’s not possible to carry out inspection­s of all the boats. Citing these, he requested that inspection of boats should be conducted in Kochi as well.

Further, Antony on Tuesday said due to the annual fishing ban (June – July) along the West coast, many registered and unregister­ed boats, especially those belonging to the Thoothoor region, have been safely harboured in Kochi. Around 150 boats remain anchored in shallow waters off Kochi.

If the annual inspection is done only at Thengapatt­inam harbour, it would be a waste of money and time for these fishermen. Apart from this, there’s a possibilit­y of damage to boats due to unexpected waves patterns.

Therefore, in the interests of fishermen, the Tamil Nadu government should come forward to conduct the annual inspection of boats in Kochi also, he urged.

 ?? ?? Justin Antony, president of INFIDET, handing over a petition to Anitha R Radhakrish­nan, Minister of Fisheries, in Chennai
Justin Antony, president of INFIDET, handing over a petition to Anitha R Radhakrish­nan, Minister of Fisheries, in Chennai

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