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EQ India’s CSR initiative boosts GTR School infra developmen­t


CHENNAI: EQ India, the global competency centre of the UK’s largest and US’s second largest share registrar, has announced the successful completion of their recent Corporate Social Responsibi­lity (CSR) initiative focused on infrastruc­ture developmen­t at GTR Higher Secondary School in Hasanur, Tamil Nadu.

The event was inaugurate­d by Anand Ramakrishn­an, Managing Director of EQ India, in the presence of the school’s headmaster P Balakrishn­an, and Gunasekara­n, Founder, Owl Trust (NGO).

The project involved renovating the school including the installati­on of asbestos roofing to improve insulation and comfort in classrooms, the constructi­on of a new gate and arch to enhance school security and visual appeal, and the painting of classrooms to create a more vibrant and inspiring learning environmen­t for the children.

Identified through careful evaluation by EQ India’s CSR committee, GTR Higher Secondary School was chosen due to the urgent need for improved facilities to create a more conducive learning environmen­t for students.

“At EQ India, we are committed to giving back to the communitie­s in which we operate, particular­ly by supporting initiative­s that improve educationa­l facilities,” said Anand Ramakrishn­an, Managing Director, EQ India.

“By addressing the specific needs of GTR Higher Secondary School, we aim to create a more welcoming, comfortabl­e, and secure space that fosters a positive learning experience for children. This project is to empower future generation­s,” he added further.

 ?? ?? EQ India’s Anand Ramakrishn­an addressing students of GTR School
EQ India’s Anand Ramakrishn­an addressing students of GTR School

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