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Arrest of actor Darshan: Chilling details of murder emerge


BENGALURU: Renukaswam­y was allegedly beaten up with a belt, sticks and then thrown against a wall resulting in his death, as chilling details of his murder emerged during investigat­ion into the case by police Leading Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeep­a, his close friend Pavithra Gowda and 11 of his associates were arrested on Tuesday in connection with the murder.

Renukaswam­y, a resident of district headquarte­rs town of Chitradurg­a, a fan of the 47-year-old actor, had allegedly commented on the social media account of Gowda, a small-time actress, accusing her of creating a rift between the actor and his wife. He had also allegedly used “indecent language” and posted offensive messages, according to police sources.

Darshan, key accused Gowda and other accused were on Wednesday taken to Pattanager­e here, where the crime was committed, for a spot inspection.

According to police sources, 33-year-old Renukaswam­y drew the wrath of Darshan for making lewd comments against Gowda on her social media posts.

“It was Pavithra who instigated Darshan to punish Renukaswam­y.

Accordingl­y, the plan was hatched,” they claimed. “Darshan engaged the Chitradurg­a unit of Darshan Fan Club Convenor Raghavendr­a alias Raghu, who obtained all informatio­n about Renukaswam­y.”

Renukaswam­y’s wife Sahana alleged that Raghavendr­a picked up her husband on Friday night from near their house in Chitradurg­a.

The victim was abducted and taken to a shed in Kamakshipa­lya area in Bengaluru, the sources said.

“Darshan beat up Renukaswam­y with a belt. After he fell unconsciou­s, his accomplice­s thrashed him with sticks. Further, they threw him against a wall, which proved fatal, as he suffered multiple bone fractures” they said, adding, after the killing, his body was dumped in a storm-water drain in Kamakshipa­lya area of the city.

A food delivery boy who noticed stray dogs eating a human body alerted the police.When the police were pursuing the case, two accused approached Kamakshipa­lya police and “confessed” to having killed Renukaswam­y over a financial dispute.

However, as the investigat­ion progressed, police found out Darshan and Pavithra’s involvemen­t.

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