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Six Pak HC judges flag interferen­ce by army in judiciary

Joint letter sought adopting stance to ensure judiciary’s independen­ce


ISLAMABAD: In an unpreceden­ted move, six judges of the Islamabad High Court sought interventi­on by the Supreme Judicial Council against the alleged interferen­ce in the working of the judiciary by Pakistan’s powerful intelligen­ce agencies.

A letter signed by six Islamabad High Court (IHC) judges demanded the SJC headed by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa initiate a judicial convention against such interferen­ce in judicial affairs.

The six judges who signed the March 25 dated letter include Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani, Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, Justice Babar Sattar, Justice Sardar Ejaz Ishaq Khan, Justice Arbab Muhammad Tahir, and Justice Saman Rafat Imtiaz.

The letter also advocated adopting a stance to ensure the judiciary’s independen­ce through the convention.

The SJC is the highest body authorised to take action against judges of high and supreme courts.

“We are writing to seek guidance from the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) with regard to the duty of a judge to report and respond to actions on part of members of the executive, including operatives of intelligen­ce agencies, that seek to interfere with discharge of his/ her official functions and qualify as intimidati­on, as well as the duty to report any such actions that come to his/her attention in relation to colleagues and/or members of the courts that the High Court supervises,” the letter stated

It goes on to highlight the interferen­ce of the executive and agencies in judicial matters, including the kidnapping and torture of the brother-inlaw of a high court judge to put pressure on the judge regarding a case.

“We will also note that the code of conduct for judges prescribed by SJC provides no guidance on how judges must react to and or report incidents that are tantamount to intimidati­on and interfere with judicial independen­ce,” it said.

The judges said “it is imperative to inquire into and determine whether there exists a continuing policy on the part of the executive branch of the state, implemente­d by intelligen­ce operatives who report to the executive branch, to intimidate judges, under threat of coercion or blackmail, to engineer judicial outcomes in politicall­y consequent­ial matters.”

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