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Moral dilemma of campus funding via fossil fuel money


Is it OK to accept money from fossil fuel companies? Stanford University, the question is ringing loud. This month, hundreds of students, faculty members and alumni, in an open letter, called on the university’s new climate school to decline funding from fossil fuel companies.

The letter was partly a response to an interview the school’s inaugural dean, Arun Majumdar, gave to my Times colleague David Gelles, in which he said the school was open to donations from oil companies. Majumdar said the school, known as the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainabi­lity, would be willing to work with companies “that want to diversify and be part of the solution.”

But the students and faculty members argue that fossil fuel companies just want to deflect attention from their role in a climate crisis that they continue to perpetuate. Accepting money from an industry with “a proven record of actively obscuring the scientific consensus on climate change,” the letter said, “presents a conflict of interest.” It’s an issue that many institutio­ns around the world, not only universiti­es, are struggling with. Two environmen­tal nonprofit groups, Stand.earth and 350.org, started a website to keep track of divestment pledges from universiti­es, banks, companies and even Queen Elizabeth II. So far, the list includes more than 1,500 institutio­ns and businesses worth some $40 trillion.

In a commenceme­nt speech this morning at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, the United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, urged students to shun fossil fuel companies. “Don’t work for climate wreckers,” he said. “Use your talents to drive us toward a renewable future.”

Back at Stanford, a survey of students about measures they wanted the new climate school to implement found that refusing money from polluting industries was a top priority. Celina Scott-Buechler, a doctoral student at the Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmen­tal Sciences, said she thought the moment echoed the decline of the tobacco industry.

The parallels between the two cases are clear. Both sectors have been accused of running campaigns to mislead consumers and government institutio­ns on the true dangers linked to their products. Both have faced lawsuits on those grounds.

In 2016, researcher­s unearthed documents that suggested that both oil and tobacco companies had hired the same public relations firms and research organisati­ons to fight off allegation­s that their products were harmful. There are also difference­s, though. As we know all too well, fossil fuels are central to modern life in a way that cigarettes are not, and it is an enormous challenge to change that. And, like Majumdar, many say they believe in working with companies on their plans to transform their businesses. The general idea is that collaborat­ion on credible plans to transition to the clean energy sector is a lot more helpful than shunning companies.

Scientists started to agree that human activity has an impact on the planet’s climate around the 1980s. But only in recent years have U.S. states filed lawsuits against fossil fuel companies. They are arguing, much like they did in suits against the tobacco industry, that companies misled them.

But activists in the divestment movement argue that, in the case of climate change, the planet doesn’t have decades to ramp up the pressure on fossil fuel companies.

Scott-Buechler said she hoped the research that she and others are putting out “can be a rallying call to move faster than the institutio­ns of the past.”

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