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Loose gravel on Rangarajap­uram flyover gives motorists the skids


CHENNAI: Motorists on Rangarajap­uram flyover are in danger as the Greater Chennai Corporatio­n has failed to repair the bridge, which was battered by the recent rains.

M Vishnupriy­a, a resident of Kodambakka­m, said that the flyover on Subramania Nagar side is damaged completely with loose gravel scattered all over. “The gravel makes the road prone to skidding and the motorists, especially two-wheeler riders, have to be extra cautious. When I was riding pillion with my husband on Thursday, our bike skidded. It was a close shave,” she added.

Rangarajap­uram flyover is one of the major links between T Nagar and Kodambakka­m, the major areas that are separated by railway track. The flyover, which was completed in 2012, has decongeste­d Usman Road and Kodambakka­m flyover.

M Kumar, a motorist, pointed out that the bridge was in good condition until the rains. “Even though only cars and two-wheelers use the flyover, it got damaged after just one spell of rain. Chennai Corporatio­n should lay quality road on the flyover,” he said.

He urged the civic body to remove the loosened gravel chips from the road to prevent accidents before repairing the bridge.

“Apart from the flyover, several interior roads in Kodambakka­m have been damaged in the rain. Gravel comes loose on most of the newly laid roads in the locality. The official should take necessary measures to make the roads safer before another spell of rains,” he demanded.

Sivashanka­r, another resident, pointed out potholes near the spot where the flyover ends and vehicles heading towards Kodambakka­m railway station take a U-turn.

When contacted, a Chennai Corporatio­n official assured to take steps to repair the flyover. “We will forward the complaint to local engineers and direct them to remove the gravel and repair the flyover,” he said.

However, residents expressed dissent and alleged that the civic body violates the norms and lay poor quality roads in several parts of the city. “The civic body should follow quality norms and use the right amount of tar while laying roads,” a shop owner in Kodambakka­m said.

The civic body has to remove the gravel from the road to prevent accidents before repairing it

 ??  ?? The condition of the road on Rangarajap­uram flyover deteriorat­ed after a short spell of rain in the past one week
The condition of the road on Rangarajap­uram flyover deteriorat­ed after a short spell of rain in the past one week
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