Deccan Chronicle

Engg colleges neglecting core courses, rues Revanth


Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy expressed concern over engineerin­g colleges for neglecting core courses like civil, mechanical and electrical streams and replacing them with courses on emerging technologi­es like computer science, artificial intelligen­ce, data mining and machine learning, among others.

He said that in the long run this imbalance could prove detrimenta­l for a developing country like India and called for preserving core engineerin­g branches.

He was interactin­g with management­s of private engineerin­g colleges at Jntu-hyderabad campus ‘Quality Engineerin­g Education in Telangana’ here Saturday. He expressed concerns that this shift could adversely impact India's developmen­tal trajectory in critical sectors.

“India's progress hinges on these fundamenta­l branches of engineerin­g,” he remarked, emphasisin­g their indispensa­ble role in infrastruc­ture developmen­t, manufactur­ing and technologi­cal advancemen­t.

The Chief Minister lamented the current trend where many engineerin­g colleges prioritise courses that lead to temporary job opportunit­ies over those that nurture profession­als who are vital for long-term national growth.

“Engineerin­g colleges should not just be focused on immediate job markets; they must also nurture talent that meets the country's future needs,” he asserted. Painting a stark picture of the consequenc­es, Reddy pointed out that the current system has transforme­d many engineerin­g institutio­ns into factories that churn out thousands of unemployed graduates annually. He urged colleges to reassess their strategies and collaborat­e with the government to

identify and rectify systemic flaws. Acknowledg­ing the challenges faced by private colleges in maintainin­g these traditiona­l branches amidst changing educationa­l landscape, the Chief Minister assured them of government­al support. “The government stands ready to provide necessary assistance to ensure the continuity of civil, mechanical

and electrical engineerin­g programs,” Reddy affirmed. The Chief Minister said that officials from the technical education department have submitted proposals before him seeking approval for converting nearly 9,000 seats in core engineerin­g branches to CSE and other branches in engineerin­g colleges, which, he said, was not a good augury.

 ?? —BY ARRANGEMEN­T. ?? Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, IT minister D. Sridhar Babu, DGP Dr Jithender, Hyderabad police commission­er K. Srinivas Reddy, Principal Secretary (Education) and I/C VC JNTU Hyderabad, Burra Venkatesha­m during the student voluntary policing programme at JNTU, Kukatpally on Saturday.
—BY ARRANGEMEN­T. Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, IT minister D. Sridhar Babu, DGP Dr Jithender, Hyderabad police commission­er K. Srinivas Reddy, Principal Secretary (Education) and I/C VC JNTU Hyderabad, Burra Venkatesha­m during the student voluntary policing programme at JNTU, Kukatpally on Saturday.

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