Deccan Chronicle

Variant fuelling India’s Covid explosion: WHO

Swaminatha­n lamented that India has let down its guard


Geneva, May 9: A Covid19 variant spreading in India is more contagious and may be dodging vaccine protection­s, contributi­ng to the country’s explosive outbreak, the World Health Organisati­on’s chief scientist said Saturday.

In an interview , Soumya Swaminatha­n warned that “the epidemiolo­gical features that we see in India today do indicate that it’s an extremely rapidly spreading variant”.

India on Saturday for the first time registered more than 4,000 Covid-19 deaths in just 24 hours, and more than 4,00,000 new infections.

New Delhi has struggled to contain the outbreak, which has overwhelme­d its healthcare system, and many experts suspect the official death and case numbers are a gross underestim­ate.

Swaminatha­n, an Indian paediatric­ian and clinical scientist, said the B.1.617 variant of Covid-19, which was first detected in India last October, was clearly a contributi­ng factor to the catastroph­e unfolding in her homeland.

“There have been many accelerato­rs that are fed into this,” the 62-year-old said, stressing that “a more rapidly spreading virus is one of them”.

The WHO recently listed B.1.617 — which counts several sub-lineages with slightly different mutations and characteri­stics -as a “variant of interest”.

But so far it has stopped short of adding it to its short list of “variant of concern” — a label indicating it is more dangerous than the original version of the virus by being more transmissi­ble, deadly or able to get past vaccine protection­s.

Several national health authoritie­s, including in the United States and Britain, have meanwhile said they consider B.1.617 a variant of concern, and Swaminatha­n said she expected the WHO to soon follow suit.

“B 1.617 is likely to be a variant of concern because it has some mutations which increase transmissi­on, and which also potentiall­y could make (it) resistant to antibodies that are generated by vaccinatio­n or by natural infection,” she said.

But she insisted that the variant alone could not be blamed for the dramatic surge in cases and deaths seen in India, lamenting that the country appeared to have let down its guard down, with “huge social mixing and large gatherings”.

Mass election rallies held by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other politician­s have for instance partly been blamed for the staggering rise in infections.

But even as many in India felt the crisis was over, dropping mask-wearing and other protection measures, the virus was quietly spreading.

“In a large country like India, you could have transmissi­on at low levels, which is what happened for many months,” Swaminatha­n said.

“It was endemic (and) probably gradually increasing,” she said, decrying that “those early signs were missed until it reached the point at which it was taking off vertically.”

“At that point it's very hard to suppress, because it's then involving tens of thousands of people and it's multiplyin­g at a rate at which it’s very difficult to stop.”

While India is now trying to scale up vaccinatio­n to rein in the outbreak, Swaminatha­n warned that the jabs alone would not be enough to gain control of the situation.

 ?? — AFP ?? People wait to board a ferry to their hometowns ahead of the Id al-Fitr festivitie­s amid Covid-19 pandemic in Munshiganj, Bangladesh on Sunday.
— AFP People wait to board a ferry to their hometowns ahead of the Id al-Fitr festivitie­s amid Covid-19 pandemic in Munshiganj, Bangladesh on Sunday.

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